Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds.
It can dramatically decrease the 3D model size when there're huge amount of geometry data in the 3D model.
i.e. you can apply Draco compression if your glTF model's .bin
size is big enough to be considered.
Draco decoder will be loaded asynchronously with the dracoPath option.
Note that as Draco decoder size is pretty big (100KB+), so use Draco compression only when file size saving from compression is greater than the decoder size.
By default, Draco decoder will be loaded from their official CDN.
gltf-pipeline is a great tool to apply Draco compression (Use the -d
30.1MB (7.4MB gzipped)

- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/lucy.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/lucy.png"
Draco Compressed
1.24MB (-95.88%)

- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/draco/lucy.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/lucy.png"