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Handling Errors

View3D will throw its own defined custom error with error code.
You can handle it with the code value of the error.
See Error Codes that can be thrown.

import View3D, { View3DError, ERROR_CODES } from "@egjs/view3d";

try {
const view3d = new View3D("#wrapper");
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof View3DError && err.code === ERROR_CODES.ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND) {
// Element(#wrapper) not found

Handling model load error

When the 3D model fails to load/parse, loadError event will be triggered, and View3DError will be thrown with code MODEL_FAIL_TO_LOAD.

As loading 3D models is asynchronous, it can't be catched when creating instance.
Instead, you can use the option autoInit and init method to catch the error.

import View3D, { View3DError, EVENTS, ERROR_CODES } from "@egjs/view3d";

const view3D = new View3D("#wrapper", { src: "URL_THAT_DOESN'T_EXIST", autoInit: true });

view3D.on(EVENTS.LOAD_ERROR, evt => {
// This will show the actual error instance

.catch(err => {
if (err instanceof View3DError && err.code === ERROR_CODES.MODEL_FAIL_TO_LOAD) {
// Model failed to load