To use Annotations, you should include CSS/SASS file for them.
// It's included in the bundle CSS
import "@egjs/view3d/css/view3d-bundle.min.css";
// Or you can use individual css/sass file
import "@egjs/view3d/css/view3d-annotation.min.css"
import "@egjs/view3d/sass/view3d-annotation.sass"
You can place the annotations above the 3D model by adding elements inside ".view3d-annotation-wrapper"
You should also add data-position="x y z"
, which will place annotations in the given position.
(Optional) By adding data-focus="yaw pitch zoom"
, you can set where the camera should be when annotation is clicked.
- Javascript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
<div class="view3d-wrapper">
<div class="view3d-canvas">
<div class="view3d-annotation-wrapper">
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-position="0.13 0.5 -0.05" data-focus="-90 0 30"></div>
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-position="-0.22 0.5 0.05" data-focus="90 0 30" data-duration="500"></div>
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-position="-0.05 0.4 0.18" data-focus="0 20 35" data-duration="0"></div>
Adding default
class will render annotations in a default style, which renders white circles with index in it.

- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/draco/payphone.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/payphone.png"
If you want to change the class names for those elements, see annotationWrapper and annotationSelector.
In that case, you have to add correct CSS for each elements yourself.
Annotation for animated models
- Javascript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
<div class="view3d-wrapper">
<div class="view3d-canvas">
<div class="view3d-annotation-wrapper">
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-mesh-index="10" data-face-index="5" data-focus="0 0 15" data-duration="500">
<div class="view3d-annotation-tooltip default">A thick eyebrow</div>
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-mesh-index="6" data-face-index="5" data-focus="30 15 30" data-duration="200">
<div class="view3d-annotation-tooltip default">An animated robot arm</div>
- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/RobotExpressive.glb"
Annotation Tooltips
You can add an element with class .view3d-annotation-tooltip
inside annotations for showing tooltips that will appear when clicked.
Adding default
class will render tooltips in a default style, which has translucent black background and some paddings applied.
- Javascript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
<div class="view3d-wrapper">
<div class="view3d-canvas">
<div class="view3d-annotation-wrapper">
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-position="0.1 0 0">
<div class="view3d-annotation-tooltip default">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3 m-0">
<img src="" alt="Placeholder image" />
<div class="card-content is-size-7">
<div class="content">
Lorem ipsum leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-position="0 0.1 0">
<div class="view3d-annotation-tooltip default">Plane text description</div>
<div class="view3d-annotation default" data-position="0.3 0.3 0.3"></div>

- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/draco/alarm.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/alarm_default.png"
Annotations inside glTF
Annotations can be included in glTF files when saving 3D models with Playground (See Download tab)

- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/annotation/alarm/alarm.gltf",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/alarm_default.png"
Load annotations from JSON file
Annotations can be loaded from the saved JSON file made with Playground (See Model tab)
Use annotationURL to load it.

- JavaScript
- React
- Angular
- Vue@2
- Vue@3
- Svelte
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/draco/alarm.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/alarm_default.png",
annotationURL: "/egjs-view3d/model/annotation/alarm-annotations.json"