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Basis Universal (KTX2)

View3D supports KTX v2 texture images with Basis Universal supercompression.

KTX2 texture decoder will be loaded asynchronously with the ktxPath option.
By default, KTX2 transcoder will be loaded from unpkg CDN.

gltfpack is a great tool to apply KHR_texture_basisu extension. (Use -tc flag)

61.0MB (60.0MB gzipped)
Load 3D model
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/artorias.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/artorias.png"
Basis Universal Compressed
10.8MB (-82.30%)
Load 3D model
src: "/egjs-view3d/model/meshopt/artorias.glb",
poster: "/egjs-view3d/poster/artorias.png"