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DefaultGoogle CDN

URL to Draco decoder location.

Decoder will be loaded with the given location if the glTF model has the KHR_draco_mesh_compression extension.
By default, Draco decoder will be loaded from their official CDN.

Draco can be useful to a model with a big mesh file size.
In other words, if your model has a large .bin size compared to textures, you can apply Draco to reduce the time to load the 3D model.

The table below compares the before and after compression of the example model below.

ModelBefore CompressionAfter Compression(Used gltfpack's -tc -cc flag)
Korean Public Payphone 016.23MB1.58MB (-74.64%)


src: "/egjs-view3d/model/draco/payphone.glb",
dracoPath: "/egjs-view3d/lib/draco/"