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Quick Start (React)

Most basic rendering code

import React, { useMemo } from "react";
import View360, { EquirectProjection } from "@egjs/react-view360";
import "@egjs/react-view360/css/view360.min.css";

export default () => {
const projection = useMemo(() => new EquirectProjection({
src: "/egjs-view360/pano/equirect/veste.jpg"
}), []);

return <View360 className="is-16by9" projection={projection} />

The above code will generate DOMs like this:

<div class="view360-container is-16by9">
<canvas class="view360-canvas" />


As projection shouldn't change on re-render, you can use useMemo for memoization.


Don't do it like this, this will create instance of EquirectProjection on every render.

import View360, { EquirectProjection } from "@egjs/react-view360";

export default () => {
return <View360 projection={new EquirectProjection({ ... })} />


You can directly import CSS file from @egjs/react-view360.

import "@egjs/react-view360/css/view360.min.css";

Properties & Methods

See Properties & Methods


All the events from Events are provided in the form of onXXX.
For example, you can listen to viewChange event by using the prop onViewChange.

import View360, { ViewChangeEvent } from "@egjs/react-view360";
import "@egjs/react-view360/css/view360.min.css";

<View360 onViewChange={(evt: ViewChangeEvent) => {}} />

Additional props

tag: string = "div"

tag can change HTML tag of .view360-container element.

For example, this:

<View360 tag="li" />

will generate this:

<li class="view360-container">
<canvas class="view360-canvas" />

canvasClass: string = ""

Using prop className will add classes to the .view360-container element.
Instead, you can use canvasClass to add classes to .view360-canvas element.

For example, this:

<View360 className="CLASS_A" canvasClass="CLASS_B" />

will generate this:

<div class="view360-container CLASS_A">
<canvas class="view360-canvas CLASS_B" />