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Are you interested in contributing to open source or would you like to help us improve our project?
Documentation, code, demo production, whatever. Please create a pull request!

PR Guide

  1. First, fork View360 Github Repo.

You can do this by pressing the "Fork" button on the upper right.

  1. Clone the forked repository and work within it.
  2. After committing your work, create the PR to point to the master branch.

By default, projects use the Angular Commit Guideline below, but you do not have to follow it.

nstead, the project manager will apply the appropriate commit message using the commit guidelines when it is merged.

Code Contribution Guide

View360 uses eslint and editorconfig to keep the code style as constant as possible.
While you are working, please check if each linter is operating normally on the IDE you are you are currently using.

Document Contribution Guide

You can check the document you are currently viewing by running npm run start in the demo folder.
However, before that, you must go through the same process as installing the dependency module

# Inside the root directory
npm install
npm run docs # You must create an API document once with this command!

# Move to the demo directory and install dependencies
cd demo
npm install

# Document pages can now be viewed locally!
npm run start

API Documents

API documents in View360 are automatically generated by parsing jsdoc comments within the source code.
Therefore, if you want to correct the wrong part of the API document or add new content,
Please modify the jsdoc comment in the corresponding source code instead of the automatically generated '.mdx' file.
Jsdoc annotations generally look like this:

* Description of View360
class View360 {}

In fact, View360 uses TypeDoc instead of jsdoc because it uses TypeScript-based source code.
Please refer to the TypeDoc document to check the available tags and options.

Other Documents

For documents such as Option, Event, and Plugin, please modify the .mdx file directly!


The code you contributed applies the license applied to the repository.
In other words, the MIT license applies to the code you contributed to View360, so please check this.

Help wanted: translation!

View360 is mostly developed & maintained by Korean open-source group.
Because we're not a native speakers of English, sometimes you might find some of our documents very hard to understand or weird.
In that case, please help with us create better documents by contributing!