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AdChoices Icon Customization

Use customized AdChoices icons

In the case of S2S NN-type ads delivered through NAM, two types of icons, i or x, can be used within the GfpAdChoicesView section.

If the ad is linked to a feed-type page, it is possible to change the icon by the following process if the icon image needs to be changed within the GfpAdChoicesView section to match the look and feel of the content.


For example, it is useful when the ... icon in the upper right corner of the content is in use and if the same ... icon as the content in the upper right corner of the ad is wanted.

app:gfp__ad__ad_choices_drawable_light="@drawable/YOUR_ICON_DRAWABLE_FOR_LIGHT_MODE" />

When creating a layout for native ads as in the above example, add the drawable resource ID of the icon image to be customized to gfp__ad__ad_choices_drawable_dark and gfp__ad__ad_choices_drawable_light as a custom attribute of GfpAdChoicesView.


When the dark mode is not in use, adding the same drawable resource ID to gfp__ad__ad_choices_drawable_dark and gfp__ad__ad_choices_drawable_light is recommended.