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Ad Mute

Ad Mute Event

NAM SDK supports to mute ad for banner, native simple types. The callback function for the Ad Mute event has been added.

  1. When calling a banner ad through GfpBannerAdView, transmit the callback through onAdMuted() defined in BannerAdListener.
bannerAdView.setAdListner(object : BannerAdListener() {

/* onAdLoaded(), onAdClicked(), ... */

override fun onAdMuted(ad: GfpBannerAd) {
/* ... */
  1. When calling banner and native ads through GfpAdLoader, transmit the callback through onAdMuted() defined in AdEventListener.
val adLoader = GfpAdLoader.Builder(activity, adParam)
.withAdListener(object: AdEventListener() {

/* onAdClicked(), onAdImpression(), ... */

override fun onAdMuted() {
/* ... */
.withNativeSimpleAd(nativeSimpleAdOptions) { nativeSimpleAd ->
/* ... */

Dark Theme

Dark mode/light mode settings are available for the Ad Mute icon.

There are three available types: SYSTEM, which follows the system settings; LIGHT, which is the light mode; and DARK, which is the dark mode.

There are two themes for the settings: global setting using NdaProviderOptions and individual setting using GfpNativeSimpleAdOptions.

1. Global setting

  • Set NdaProviderOptions through SdkProperties
.addProviderOptions(new NdaProviderOptions.Builder()
  • When using the global settings, the settings will be applied to all S2S banner ads and NativeSimple ads for which no individual settings have been made.
  • Without a setup, the default is LIGHT.

2. Individual setting

  • Set through the GfpNativeSimpleAdoption object that is transmitted when an ad request is made through GfpAdLoader.
val nativeSimpleAdOptions = GfpNativeSimpleAdOptions.Builder()

val adLoader = GfpAdLoader.Builder(activity, adParam)
.withAdListener(object: AdEventListener {
/* onAdClicked(), onAdImpression(), ... */

override fun onAdMuted() {
/* ... */
.withNativeSimpleAd(nativeSimpleAdOptions) { nativeSimpleAd ->
/* ... */

Individual settings take precedence over global settings. Therefore, and global and individual settings both exist, the individual settings will be applied.

3. LazyTheme

LazyTheme is supported from version 6.1.1.

If a theme has not been applied on a screen where theme settings, such as dark mode settings, dynamically change, try applying the LazyTheme below.

The example below is based on native ad standards.

val nativeAdOptions = GfpNativeAdOptions.Builder()
.setTheme(LazyTheme {
when {
caseSystem -> ResolvedTheme.SYSTEM
caseDark -> ResolvedTheme.DARK
else -> ResolvedTheme.LIGHT

val adLoader = GfpAdLoader.Builder(requireActivity(), adParam)
.withNativeAd(nativeAdOptions) { nativeAd ->