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import { LittlePlanetProjection } from "@egjs/view360";

LittlePlanetProjection will show your panorama image with the so-called "Little planet" or "Tiny planet" effect.


This currently supports only Equirectangular panorama image/videos.

initialPitch: -90,
projection: new LittlePlanetProjection({
src: "/pano/equirect/veste.jpg",


Center point

Center point of the projection is controlled by pitch.
You can use the option initialPitch to change how it looks at initialization.

initialPitch: -90

initialPitch: -90,
projection: new LittlePlanetProjection({
src: "/pano/equirect/veste.jpg",

initialPitch: 90

initialPitch: 90,
projection: new LittlePlanetProjection({
src: "/pano/equirect/veste.jpg",

Locking controls

You can use disablePitch or disableYaw to lock center point change.

rotate: {
disablePitch: true
initialPitch: -90,
initialZoom: 1.8,
projection: new LittlePlanetProjection({
src: "/pano/equirect/veste.jpg",