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You can create maps that can zoom using three axes.

<p>You can create maps that can zoom using three axes.</p>
<div id="zoomWrapper">
<img id="subway" src="../image/subway/subway.png"/>
function getZoomedOffset(value, zoom, beforeZoom) {
return -(value/zoom - value/beforeZoom);
const SUPPORT_TOUCH = "ontouchstart" in window;
const IMAGE_SIZE = 3000;
const wrapper = document.getElementById("zoomWrapper");
const wrapperSize = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect().width; = wrapperSize + "px";
const imageView = document.getElementById("subway");
const baseScale = wrapperSize / IMAGE_SIZE;

// 1. Initialize eg.Axes
const axes = new eg.Axes({
x: {
range: [0, 0],
bounce: 100
y: {
range: [0, 0],
bounce: 100
zoom: {
range: [baseScale, 1]
}, {
deceleration: 0.003,
interrutable: false
}, {
zoom: baseScale

// 2. attach event handler
axes.on("change", ({pos, delta, inputEvent, set}) => {
if(inputEvent && delta.zoom) {
const center = SUPPORT_TOUCH ? : {
x: inputEvent.layerX,
y: inputEvent.layerY

const beforeZoom = pos.zoom - delta.zoom;
const newX = pos.x + getZoomedOffset(center.x, pos.zoom, beforeZoom);
const newY = pos.y + getZoomedOffset(center.y, pos.zoom, beforeZoom);
set({x: newX, y: newY});[eg.Axes.TRANSFORM] =
`scale(${pos.zoom}) translate3d(${-newX}px, ${-newY}px, 0)`;

// change view
axes.axis.y.range[1] = axes.axis.x.range[1] =
axes.axis.x.range[1] + getZoomedOffset(wrapperSize, pos.zoom, beforeZoom);
} else {[eg.Axes.TRANSFORM] =
`scale(${pos.zoom}) translate3d(${-pos.x}px, ${-pos.y}px, 0)`;

// 3. Initialize inputTypes and connect it
axes.connect("zoom", SUPPORT_TOUCH ?
new eg.Axes.PinchInput(wrapper) :
new eg.Axes.WheelInput(wrapper, {
scale: Math.abs(baseScale)
).connect("x y", new eg.Axes.PanInput(wrapper, {
scale: [-1, -1]