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Cards in hands

You can create a UI that responds to user input using two axes.

<p>You can create a UI that responds to user input using two axes.</p>
<div id="showcase">
<div class="showcase-item">
<div class="showcase-content">
<div id="movableCoordWrapper">
<div class="hand">
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div class="handcard" style=""><img class="logo_mono" src="../../common/image/logo_mono.svg"></div>
<div id="dot" class="movableDot"></div>
<div class="codepen"></div>
const transform = eg.Axes.TRANSFORM;
const dot = document.getElementById("dot");
const hand = document.querySelector(".hand");
const cards = Array.prototype.slice.apply(document.querySelectorAll(".handcard"));
const HAND_RADIUS = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(hand).width) / 2;
const CARD_OFFSET = -300;
let handRotMin = null;
let handRotMax = null;

function getCardDistance(card, hand) {
const handRect = hand.getBoundingClientRect();
const handCenterY = ( + handRect.bottom) / 2;
const handCenterX = (handRect.left + handRect.right) / 2
const cardRect = card.getBoundingClientRect();
const cardCenterY = ( + cardRect.bottom) / 2;
const cardCenterX = (cardRect.left + cardRect.right) / 2;
const deltaX = handCenterX - cardCenterX;
const deltaY = handCenterY - cardCenterY;
const cardDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
const cardTilt = (Math.atan(deltaX / deltaY) * -1)/Math.PI * 180;
return {
distance: cardDistance,
tilt: cardTilt

function setCardOnHand(card) {
const distance = getCardDistance(card, hand);
const cardTilt = distance.tilt;
const cardDistance = distance.distance;
const cardOffset = cardDistance - CARD_OFFSET - HAND_RADIUS;

if (handRotMin === null) {
handRotMin = cardTilt;
} else if (cardTilt < handRotMin) {
handRotMin = cardTilt;
if (handRotMax === null) {
handRotMax = cardTilt;
} else if (cardTilt > handRotMax) {
handRotMax = cardTilt;
}[eg.Axes.TRANSFORM] =
`rotateZ(${cardTilt}deg) translateY(${cardOffset}px)`;
card.setAttribute("data-cardOffset", cardOffset);

cards.forEach(function (v) {

// 1. Initialize eg.Axes
const axes = new eg.Axes({
hand: {
range: [handRotMin, handRotMax],
bounce: 15
top: {
range: [0, 0],
bounce: [100, 160]
}, {
deceleration: 0.00034

// 2. attach event handler
axes.on("change", ({pos}) => {["bottom"] = `${-1.4 *}px`;[transform] = `translateX(${pos.hand * 2.3}px)`;[transform] = `rotateZ(${pos.hand}deg)`;
cards.forEach((v) => {[transform] =
`${[transform].split("translateY")[0]} translateY(${parseFloat(v.getAttribute("data-cardOffset")) +}px)`;

// 3. Initialize a inputType and connect it
axes.connect("hand top", new eg.Axes.PanInput(hand, {
scale: [0.3, 0.8]