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interface LoadingBarOptions

Options for the LoadingBar

typestring✔️"default"A type(style) of the loading bar.
classNameobject✔️LoadingBar.DEFAULT_CLASSClass names of the loading bar elements.
loadingLabelstring✔️"Loading 3D Model..."A text to display while loading 3D model.
parsingLabelstring✔️"Parsing 3D Model..."A text to display while parsing the model after loading is done.
labelColorstring✔️"#ffffff"A text color in CSS string.
barWidthstring✔️"70%"Loading bar's width in CSS string. This is only applicable for type "default"
barHeightstring✔️"10px"Loading bar's height in CSS string.
barBackgroundstring✔️"#bbbbbb"Loading bar's background color in CSS string. This is not applicable to type "spinner"
barForegroundstring✔️"#3e8ed0"Loading bar's foreground color in CSS string.
spinnerWidthstring✔️"30%"Spinner's width in CSS string. This is only applicable for type "spinner"
overlayBackgroundstring✔️"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)"Overlay's background color in CSS string. This is not applicable to type "top"