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Added inv4.0.0

Call init() at the creation of View360.
It is also possible to initialize at any time by setting it as 'false'.


import View360, { EquirectProjection, EVENTS } from "@egjs/view360";

// viewer.init() is called at the time of instance creation.
// However, since "init()" operates asynchronously, the actual initialization completion time can be known through the "ready" event.
const viewer = new View360("#el_id", {
autoInit: true,
projection: new EquirectProjection({ src: "SRC_TO_URL" })

console.log(viewer.initialized); // This value is false at this point, as "init()" is the asynchronous.

viewer.once(EVENTS.READY, () => {
console.log(viewer.initialized); // true

Below is an example of invoking init at the time of button click.
You should call view360.init() at the button's onclick handler.

autoInit: false,
projection: new EquirectProjection({
src: "/pano/equirect/veste.jpg",