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Get a site ID

To get a site ID, you need to add a biz channel and ask for conversion tracking on the NAVER Performance DA platform.


Note that the NAVER Performance DA platform is only available in Korean.

Add a biz channel

On the NAVER Performance DA platform, add a biz channel as follows.

  1. Select 도구 > 비즈채널 관리 and then 비즈채널 추가.
  2. Add URLs to install your app for each platform and save changes.

Then, an app ID is added to the platform (iOS: app ID, Android: pkg name).


Request conversion tracking

Request conversion tracking on the platform, as follows.

  1. Select 도구 > 전환 추적 관리 and then 전환 추적 신청.
  2. Select a biz channel to request conversion tracking for, set the tracking period and save changes.


Then, a 네이버 공통키, which is your site ID, is issued as shown in the following figure.
