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Getting Started

Supported Versions

  • iOS 13.0 or higher
  • Xcode 12.0 or higher

Starting from NAMSDK 4.3.0, Xcode 12.0 or higher is required. (only compatible with iOS 14 or higher)


Starting from NAMSDK 6.0.0, Xcode 14.1 or higher is required when using Google DFP.

Starting from NAMSDK 7.0.0, Xcode 15 or higher is required when using Unity or IronSource.

Adding Cocoapods Dependencies

Add 'NAMSDK' to your Podfile.

Add Mediation Pods of the ad mediation networks on your demand.

target 'MyApplication' do
pod 'NAMSDK' # SDK Core
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationNDA' # Naver in-house Banner & Native Ads
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationNDAVideo' # Naver in-house Video Ads
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationNDARich' # Naver in-house Premium Ads (requires 7.2.0>=)

pod 'NAMSDKMediationDFP' # Google DFP (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationFAN' # Facebook FAN (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationInMobi' # InMobi (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationUnity' # Unity (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationAppLovin' # AppLovin (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationVungle' # Vungle (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationDT' # Digital Turbine (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationIronSource' # Iron Source (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationAPS' # APS (since 8.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDKMediationLAN' # LAN (since 8.0.0)

List of In-house Ads

Ad NetworkSupported Ad TypeCocoapods Settings
NAVERBanner, Nativepod NAMSDK/MediationNDA
NAVERVideopod NAMSDK/MediationNDAVideo
NAVERNative Rich Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationNDARich

List of Mediated Ad Networks

Ad NetworkSupported Ad TypeCocoapods Settings
Google DFPBanner, Native, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationDFP
Google IMAVideopod NAMSDKMediationIMA
FacebookBanner, Native, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationFAN
InMobiBanner, Nativepod NAMSDKMediationInMobi
UnityBanner, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationUnity
AppLovinBanner, Native, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationAppLovin
VungleInterstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationVungle
DigitalTurbineBanner, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationDT
IronSourceInterstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDKMediationIronSource
APSRewardpod NAMSDKMediationAPS
LANNative, Interstitial, Rewardpod NMASDKMediationLAN

See the up-to-date list of available ad networks in GFPProviderOptions.swift

  • GFPBannerProviderOption
  • GFPVideoProviderOption
  • GFPNativeProviderOption
  • GFPCombinedProviderOption
  • GFPRewardedAdProviderOption
  • GFPInterstitialAdProviderOption

App Transport Security (ATS) settings

App Transport Security (ATS) has been introduced in iOS 9 which allows apps to make network requests over HTTPS by default.

In order to allow ad requests to external ad networks over HTTP, add following value to your Info.plist.


Requirements while linking with Google DFP

To link Google DFP, add the following values to your Info.plist.

Otherwise, you will get “The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly” error message with the operation suspended.


To apply Google DFP >= 10, follow addtional steps in the reference below.

Importing NAMSDK

First, import GFPSDK.

@import GFPSDK;


Initializing Ad Networks

  • GFP SDK must be initialized prior to requesting ads, once, in your app's life cycle.

  • Ad networks added in your Podfile will be automatically initialized with the GFP SDK.

    • Be minded that ad networks that are not installed by the Podfile will be failed to be rendered, despite receiving proper ad response.
  • To initialize GFPAdManager, pass Publisher Code (required) which is registered in GFP dashboard.

  • Pass Service Code (optional) to manage multiple apps separately.

  • You can validate initialization by isSdkInitialized property.


For NAMSDK >= 7.3.0 the new ServiceCd is available for initializing SDK. Use ServiceCd (optional) with PublisherCd (required) when managing multiple apps of a same publisher.

See more information about initialization in GFPAdManager.h.

@import GFPSDK;

// 1. Example of initializing without GFPAdConfiguration, with a PublisherCd.
[GFPAdManager setupWithPublisherCd:@"publisherCd" target:self completionHandler:^(GFPError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"Setup ERROR: %@", error);

// 2. Example of initializing without GFPAdConfiguration, with PublisherCd & ServiceCd.
[GFPAdManager setupWithPublisherCd:@"publisherCd" serviceCd:@"serviceCd" target:self completionHandler:^(GFPError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"Setup ERROR: %@", error);

// Check for initialization success.
[GFPAdManager isSdkInitialized];

// Initializing with GFPAdConfiguration: set test mode, request timeouts, log levels, ad redering time, etc.
GFPAdConfiguration *configuration = [[GFPAdConfiguration alloc] init];

[GFPAdManager setupWithPublisherCd:@"publisherCd" serviceCd:@"serviceCd" configuration:configuration target:self completionHandler:^(GFPError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"Setup ERROR: %@", error);



For NAMSDK >= 3.1.3, you must provide GFPAdManagerDelegate to GFPAdManager.

Implement ad tracking mechanism of your app using Apple ATTrackingManager and provide tracking status to GFPAdManagerDelegate

@protocol GFPAdManagerDelegate <NSObject>

- (GFPATTAuthorizationStatus)attStatus;


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GFPATTAuthorizationStatus) {
GFPATTAuthorizeNotDetermined = 0, // = ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.notDetermined
GFPATTAuthorizeRestricted, // = ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.restricted
GFPATTAuthorizeDenied, // = ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.denied
GFPATTAuthorizeAuthorized // = ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.authorized
- (GFPATTAuthorizationStatus)attStatus {
if (@available(iOS 14.5, *)) {
switch (ATTrackingManager.trackingAuthorizationStatus) {
case ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
return GFPATTAuthorizeNotDetermined;
case ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusRestricted:
return GFPATTAuthorizeRestricted;
case ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusDenied:
return GFPATTAuthorizeDenied;
case ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusAuthorized:
return GFPATTAuthorizeAuthorized;
} else {
if ([[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]) {
return GFPATTAuthorizeAuthorized;

return GFPATTAuthorizeNotDetermined;

Registering WebViews

Starting from SDK 8.2.0, it is required to register any WKWebViews used in the app with our manager.

Follow instructions in Registering WebViews

Available settings in GFPAdConfiguration

  • Banner ad request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
  • Video ad request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
  • Native ad request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
  • Integrated ad request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
  • Rewarded ad request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
  • Interstitial ad request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
  • DFP test ad setting (default: NO)
  • FAN test ad setting (default: NO)
  • NAMSDK log level settings (default: no logs)
  • Enable default user agent (default: NO)
  • Ad interface style settings (default: Light)
  • Disable crash report external ad network SDKs (default: NO)
  • Global customUserParam settings
  • Mute audio by default for rewarded video ads (applies to Naver and most of other ad network ads) (default: YES)
  • Language settings for advertising UI components (default: none)
  • Disable ADID colletion option (default: NO)
  • Using Default In APP Browser Landing option (default: NO)

Ad language settings

Language settings for advertising UI components (default: none). However, this applies only to advertisements served through s2s.

  • Supported languages: Korean, English, Thai, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Japanese, German

When set to none, it is rendered based on the device's language, and if the language is not supported, it is displayed in English.


This must be set before loading the ad, and if you change it after loading, the language of the already loaded ad will not change. When changing language settings, ad loading must be re-loaded.

[GFPAdManager adConfiguration].preferredLanguage = GFPLanguageType_ko;

You can also setup Naver user identifiers with GFPAdManager.

NSDictionary <NSString *, NSString *> *cookie = @{@"key1": @"value1", @"key2": @"value2"};
[GFPAdManager setCookie:cookie];

[GFPAdManager appendCookie: @{@"key3": @"value3"}];

[GFPAdManager clearCookie];

Test Mode Settings

You can enable test modes which limits to non-commercial test ads from some ad networks.

  • Supports Google and Facebook test modes.

See more information about test modes in GFPAdProviderSetting.h

Interface Styles

Interface Style changes "AdMute" icon at the corner of ad, according to user device's theme settings.

[GFPAdManager adConfiguration].adInterfaceStyle = GFPAdInterfaceStyleLight;
[GFPAdManager adConfiguration].adInterfaceStyle = GFPAdInterfaceStyleDark;
[GFPAdManager adConfiguration].adInterfaceStyle = GFPAdInterfaceStyleSystem;

Global CustomParam Settings

  • (GFP SDK >= 6.0.0) Some apps might be advised to set CustomParams for better algorithm.

  • Set CustomParam in a form of dictionary of both key and value strings.

  • For dictionary values that must contain mutiple values should separate them with "|" letter (not array of strings).

  • GFPAdParam.customUserParam is prioritized over GFPAdConfiguration.customParam

[GFPAdManager adConfiguration].customParam = @{@"key1": @"value1", @"key2": @"value2", @"key3":@"a|b|c"};

A/B Test Parameters

  • (GFP SDK >= 6.5.0) Some Naver apps that demands A/B Test can use abt param.
NSString *abt = @"SUBS:V0;HOME:V2;NEWS:V1";
GFPAdConfiguration *configuration = GFPAdManager.adConfiguration;
configuration.abt = abt;
GFPAdManager.adConfiguration = configuration;


Adding Cocoapods Dependencies (until 7.x.x)

Add 'NAMSDK' to your Podfile.

Add Mediation Pods of the ad mediation networks on your demand.

target 'MyApplication' do
pod 'NAMSDK' #
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationNDA' # Naver Banner & Native ads
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationNDAVideo' # Naver Video ads (requires >= 4.3.0)
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationNDARich' # Naver Premium ads (requires >= 7.2.0)
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationDFP'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationIMA'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationFAN'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationInMobi'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationUnity'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationAppLovin'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationVungle'
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationDT' # (requires >= 6.4.0)
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationIronSource' # (requires >= 7.0.0)
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationAPS' # (requires >= 7.2.0)
pod 'NAMSDK/MediationLAN' # (requires >= 7.7.0)

List of Supported Ad Networks (for until 7.x.x)

Ad NetworkSupported Ad TypeCocoapods Settings
NAVERBanner, Nativepod NAMSDK/MediationNDA
NAVERVideopod NAMSDK/MediationNDAVideo
NAVERNative Rich Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationNDARich
Google DFPBanner, Native, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationDFP
Google IMAVideopod NAMSDK/MediationIMA
FacebookBanner, Native, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationFAN
InMobiBanner, Nativepod NAMSDK/MediationInMobi
UnityBanner, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationUnity
AppLovinBanner, Native, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationAppLovin
VungleInterstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationVungle
DigitalTurbineBanner, Interstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationDT
IronSourceInterstitial, Rewardpod NAMSDK/MediationIronSource
APSRewardpod NAMSDK/MediationAPS
LANNative, Interstitial, Rewardpod NMASDK/MediationLAN