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Ad Deduplication Manager

The redundancy control feature is available for advertisements (=banner/native image type/native normal type ads) that are loaded using the integrated loader (=GFPAdLoader).

Create GFPAdDedupeManager

Create an object after declaring the GFPAdDedupeManager property to manage redundancy control. numAdsDedupe refers to the number of redundancies to be controlled. It ensures non-redundant ad exposure for n consecutive ads. It is recommended to set this parameter to between 2 and 5.

@property (nonatomic, strong) GFPAdDedupeManager *dedupeManager;
self.dedupeManager = [[GFPAdDedupeManager alloc] initWithNumAdsDeduped:3];

Create GFPAdLoader

Create a GFPAdLoader to load ads.

For creating a GFPAdLoader object, please refer to the guide of each advertisement.

Ad request via GFPAdDedupeManager

Requests an advertisement through GFPAdDedupeManager. When the ad is requested, the GFPAdLoader is passed as a parameter. Advertisements are requested in the order of the delivered loaders, and the success/failure of the load is transmitted to the delegate of the loader.

Redundancy control is also available for GFPAdLoader objects with different UnitIDs.

[self.dedupeManager loadAdWith:self.loader];
self.loader2 = [[GFPAdLoader alloc] initWithUnitID: @"INPUT_YOUR_UNIT_ID2"
rootViewController: self
adParam: adParam];
self.loader2.delegate = self;

self.loader3 = [[GFPAdLoader alloc] initWithUnitID: @"INPUT_YOUR_UNIT_ID3"
rootViewController: self
adParam: adParam];

self.loader3.delegate = self;

[self.dedupeManager loadAdWith:self.loader2];
[self.dedupeManager loadAdWith:self.loader3];


When implementing GFPAdLoaderDelegate, ad-loading-related events will be available through this method.

For processing a GFPAdLoaderDelegate, please refer to the guide of each advertisement.