Package-level declarations
A class used to get style information of native ad.
Event of the nda richmedia expandable ad
In FAN, NDA module. This is used in opt-out icon.
An object for requesting ads such as banner, native, native simple. Provides functionality to configure and build ad requests.
The View to display banner ads for use with this SDK.
Error information about why an ad operation failed.
A class used to configure interstitial ad requests.
Provides media data.
A class used to configure native ad requests.
Ad view for Native ad To attach each asset to page, should call {@link #setNativeAd(GfpNativeAd)} after loading.
Ad view for Native Simple ad To attach ad to page, should call setNativeSimpleAd after loading.
Represents the theme of the app. May be one of ResolvedTheme.SYSTEM, ResolvedTheme.LIGHT, ResolvedTheme.DARK, LazyTheme.
A class used to render label asset of native ad.
Represents the theme that is determined to be lazy.
Represents the resolved theme.
A listener for the user show interest changes.
Used in parsing VAST
Video Mime type