Namespace: jQuery



animate(properties, duration, easing, complete)

A method that extends the .animate() method provided by jQuery. With this method, you can use the transform property and 3D acceleration

jQuery의animate() 메서드를 확장한 메서드. CSS의 transform 속성과 3D 가속을 사용할 수 있다.

  • properties
    Type: Object

    An object composed of the CSS property and value which will be applied to an animation

    애니메이션을 적용할 CSS 속성과 값으로 구성된 객체

  • duration (default: 4000) optional
    Type: Number | String

    Duration of the animation (unit: ms)

    애니메이션 진행 시간(단위: ms)

  • easing (default: "swing") optional
    Type: String

    The easing function to apply to an animation

    애니메이션에 적용할 easing 함수

  • complete optional
    Type: function

    A function that is called once the animation is complete.

    애니메이션을 완료한 다음 호출할 함수


.animate({"transform" : "translate3d(150px, 100px, 0px) rotate(20deg) scaleX(1)"} , 3000)
.animate({"transform" : "+=translate3d(150px, 10%, -20px) rotate(20deg) scale3d(2, 4.2, 1)"} , 3000);

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