import { find_path } from "./lib/dijkstra";
import { getStyleNames, assignOptions, cloneItems, isObject, getRangeCost } from "../utils";
import {
} from "../types";
interface Link {
path: number[];
cost: number;
length: number;
currentNode: number;
isOver?: boolean;
* @classdesc 'justified' is a printing term with the meaning that 'it fits in one row wide'. JustifiedLayout is a layout that the card is filled up on the basis of a line given a size.
* @ko 'justified'는 '1행의 너비에 맞게 꼭 들어찬'이라는 의미를 가진 인쇄 용어다. 용어의 의미대로 너비가 주어진 사이즈를 기준으로 카드가 가득 차도록 배치하는 레이아웃이다.
* @class eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout
* @param {Object} [options] The option object of eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout module <ko>eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout 모듈의 옵션 객체</ko>
* @param {String} [options.margin=0] Margin used to create space around items <ko>아이템들 사이의 공간</ko>
* @param {Boolean} [options.horizontal=false] Direction of the scroll movement (false: vertical, true: horizontal) <ko>스크롤 이동 방향 (false: 세로방향, true: 가로방향)</ko>
* @param {Number} [options.minSize=0] Minimum size of item to be resized <ko> 아이템이 조정되는 최소 크기 </ko>
* @param {Number} [options.maxSize=0] Maximum size of item to be resized <ko> 아이템이 조정되는 최대 크기 </ko>
* @param {Array|Number} [options.column=[1, 8]] The number of items in a line <ko> 한 줄에 들어가는 아이템의 개수 </ko>
* @param {Array|Number} [options.row=0] The number or range of rows in a group, 0 is not set <ko>한 그룹에 들어가는 열의 개수, 0은 미설정이다</ko>
* @example
var ig = new eg.InfiniteGrid("#grid". {
horizontal: true,
ig.setLayout(eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout, {
margin: 10,
minSize: 100,
maxSize: 300,
// or
var layout = new eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout({
margin: 10,
minSize: 100,
maxSize: 300,
column: 5,
horizontal: true,
class JustifiedLayout implements ILayout {
public options: {
margin: number;
minSize: number;
maxSize: number;
column: number | number[];
horizontal: boolean;
row: number | number[];
private _style: IRectlProperties;
private _size: number;
constructor(options: Partial<JustifiedLayout["options"]> = {}) {
this.options = assignOptions(
margin: 0,
horizontal: false,
minSize: 0,
maxSize: 0,
column: [1, 8],
row: 0,
this._style = getStyleNames(this.options.horizontal);
this._size = 0;
* Set the viewport size of the layout.
* @ko 레이아웃의 가시 사이즈를 설정한다.
* @method eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout#setSize
* @param {Number} size The viewport size of container area where items are added to a layout <ko>레이아웃에 아이템을 추가하는 컨테이너 영역의 가시 사이즈</ko>
* @return {eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout} An instance of a module itself<ko>모듈 자신의 인스턴스</ko>
* @example
* layout.setSize(800);
public setSize(size: number) {
this._size = size;
return this;
* Adds items at the bottom of a outline.
* @ko 아이템들을 아웃라인 아래에 추가한다.
* @method eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout#append
* @param {Array} items Array of items to be layouted <ko>레이아웃할 아이템들의 배열</ko>
* @param {Array} [outline=[]] Array of outline points to be reference points <ko>기준점이 되는 아웃라인 점들의 배열</ko>
* @return {Object} Layouted items and outline of start and end <ko> 레이아웃이 된 아이템과 시작과 끝의 아웃라인이 담긴 정보</ko>
* @example
* layout.prepend(items, [100]);
public append(items: IInfiniteGridItem[], outline?: number[], cache?: boolean) {
return this._insert(items, outline, true, cache);
* Adds items at the top of a outline.
* @ko 아이템을 아웃라인 위에 추가한다.
* @method eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout#prepend
* @param {Array} items Array of items to be layouted <ko>레이아웃할 아이템들의 배열</ko>
* @param {Array} [outline=[]] Array of outline points to be reference points <ko>기준점이 되는 아웃라인 점들의 배열</ko>
* @return {Object} Layouted items and outline of start and end <ko> 레이아웃이 된 아이템과 시작과 끝의 아웃라인이 담긴 정보</ko>
* @example
* layout.prepend(items, [100]);
public prepend(items: IInfiniteGridItem[], outline?: number[], cache?: boolean) {
return this._insert(items, outline, false, cache);
* Adds items of groups at the bottom of a outline.
* @ko 그룹들의 아이템들을 아웃라인 아래에 추가한다.
* @method eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout#layout
* @param {Array} groups Array of groups to be layouted <ko>레이아웃할 그룹들의 배열</ko>
* @param {Array} outline Array of outline points to be reference points <ko>기준점이 되는 아웃라인 점들의 배열</ko>
* @return {eg.InfiniteGrid.JustifiedLayout} An instance of a module itself<ko>모듈 자신의 인스턴스</ko>
* @example
* layout.layout(groups, [100]);
public layout(groups: IInfiniteGridGroup[] = [], outline: number[] = []) {
const length = groups.length;
let point = outline;
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const group = groups[i];
const outlines = this._layout(group.items, point, true);
group.outlines = outlines;
point = outlines.end;
return this;
private _layout(items: IInfiniteGridItem[], outline: number[], isAppend?: boolean) {
const row = this.options.row;
let path: string[] = [];
if (items.length) {
path = row ? this._getRowPath(items) : this._getPath(items);
return this._setStyle(items, path, outline, isAppend);
private _getPath(items: IInfiniteGridItem[]) {
const lastNode = items.length;
const column = this.options.column;
const [minColumn, maxColumn]: number[] = isObject(column)
? column
: [column, column];
const graph = (nodeKey: string) => {
const results: { [key: string]: number } = {};
const currentNode = parseInt(nodeKey, 10);
for (let nextNode = Math.min(currentNode + minColumn, lastNode); nextNode <= lastNode; ++nextNode) {
if (nextNode - currentNode > maxColumn) {
let cost = this._getCost(
if (cost < 0 && nextNode === lastNode) {
cost = 0;
results[`${nextNode}`] = Math.pow(cost, 2);
return results;
// shortest path for items' total height.
return find_path(graph, "0", `${lastNode}`);
private _getRowPath(items: IInfiniteGridItem[]) {
const column = this.options.column;
const row = this.options.row;
const columnRange = isObject(column) ? column : [column, column];
const rowRange: number[] = isObject(row) ? row : [row, row];
const pathLink = this._getRowLink(items, {
path: [0],
cost: 0,
length: 0,
currentNode: 0,
}, columnRange, rowRange);
return pathLink? => `${node}`) ?? [];
private _getRowLink(
items: IInfiniteGridItem[],
currentLink: Link,
columnRange: number[],
rowRange: number[]
): Link {
const [minColumn] = columnRange;
const [minRow, maxRow] = rowRange;
const lastNode = items.length;
const {
length: pathLength,
} = currentLink;
// not reached lastNode but path is exceed or the number of remaining nodes is less than minColumn.
if (currentNode < lastNode && (maxRow <= pathLength || currentNode + minColumn > lastNode)) {
const rangeCost = getRangeCost(lastNode - currentNode, columnRange);
const lastCost = rangeCost * Math.abs(this._getCost(items, currentNode, lastNode));
return {
length: pathLength + 1,
path: [...path, lastNode],
currentNode: lastNode,
cost: cost + lastCost,
isOver: true,
} else if (currentNode >= lastNode) {
return {
currentNode: lastNode,
isOver: minRow > pathLength || maxRow < pathLength,
} else {
return this._searchRowLink(items, currentLink, lastNode, columnRange, rowRange);
private _searchRowLink(
items: IInfiniteGridItem[],
currentLink: Link,
lastNode: number,
columnRange: number[],
rowRange: number[]
) {
const [minColumn, maxColumn] = columnRange;
const {
length: pathLength,
} = currentLink;
const length = Math.min(lastNode, currentNode + maxColumn);
const links: Link[] = [];
for (let nextNode = currentNode + minColumn; nextNode <= length; ++nextNode) {
if (nextNode === currentNode) {
const nextCost = Math.abs(this._getCost(items, currentNode, nextNode));
const nextLink = this._getRowLink(items, {
path: [...path, nextNode],
length: pathLength + 1,
cost: cost + nextCost,
currentNode: nextNode,
}, columnRange, rowRange);
if (nextLink) {
links.sort((a, b) => {
const aIsOver = a.isOver;
const bIsOver = b.isOver;
if (aIsOver !== bIsOver) {
// If it is over, the cost is high.
return aIsOver ? 1 : -1;
const aRangeCost = getRangeCost(a.length, rowRange);
const bRangeCost = getRangeCost(b.length, rowRange);
return aRangeCost - bRangeCost || a.cost - b.cost;
// It returns the lowest cost link.
return links[0];
private _getSize(items: IInfiniteGridItem[], size1Name: SizeType, size2Name: SizeType) {
const margin = this.options.margin;
const size = items.reduce((sum, item) => sum +
(item.orgSize![size2Name]) / item.orgSize![size1Name], 0);
return (this._size - margin * (items.length - 1)) / size;
private _getCost(
items: IInfiniteGridItem[],
i: number,
j: number,
) {
const style = this._style;
const size1Name = style.size1;
const size2Name = style.size2;
const size = this._getSize(items.slice(i, j), size1Name, size2Name);
const min = this.options.minSize || 0;
const max = this.options.maxSize || Infinity;
if (isFinite(max)) {
// if this size is not in range, the cost increases sharply.
if (size < min) {
return Math.pow(size - min, 2) + Math.pow(max, 2);
} else if (size > max) {
return Math.pow(size - max, 2) + Math.pow(max, 2);
} else {
// if this size in range, the cost is negative or low.
return Math.min(size - max, min - size);
// if max is infinite type, caculate cost only with "min".
if (size < min) {
return Math.max(Math.pow(min, 2), Math.pow(size, 2));
return size - min;
private _setStyle(
items: IInfiniteGridItem[],
path: string[],
outline: number[] = [],
isAppend?: boolean,
) {
const style = this._style;
// if direction is vertical
// startPos1 : top, endPos1 : bottom
// size1 : height
// startPos2 : left, endPos2 : right
// size2 : width
// if direction is horizontal
// startPos1 : left, endPos1 : right
// size1 : width
// startPos2 : top, endPos2 : bottom
// size2 : height
const pos1Name = style.startPos1;
const size1Name = style.size1;
const pos2Name = style.startPos2;
const size2Name = style.size2;
const length = path.length;
const margin = this.options.margin;
const startPoint = outline[0] || 0;
let endPoint = startPoint;
let height = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < length - 1; ++i) {
const path1 = parseInt(path[i], 10);
const path2 = parseInt(path[i + 1], 10);
// pathItems(path1 to path2) are in 1 line.
const pathItems = items.slice(path1, path2);
const pathItemsLength = pathItems.length;
const size1 = this._getSize(pathItems, size1Name, size2Name);
const pos1 = endPoint;
for (let j = 0; j < pathItemsLength; ++j) {
const item = pathItems[j];
const size2 = item.orgSize![size2Name] / item.orgSize![size1Name] * size1;
// item has margin bottom and right.
// first item has not margin.
const prevItemRect = j === 0 ? 0 : pathItems[j - 1].rect;
const pos2 = (prevItemRect ? prevItemRect[pos2Name] + prevItemRect[size2Name]! + margin : 0);
item.rect = {
[pos1Name]: pos1,
[pos2Name]: pos2,
[size1Name]: size1,
[size2Name]: size2,
} as any;
height += margin + size1;
endPoint = startPoint + height;
const itemsLength = items.length;
if (isAppend) {
// previous group's end outline is current group's start outline
return {
start: [startPoint],
end: [endPoint],
// for prepend, only substract height from position.
// always start is lower than end.
for (let i = 0; i < itemsLength; ++i) {
const item = items[i];
// move items as long as height for prepend
item.rect[pos1Name] -= height;
return {
start: [startPoint - height],
end: [startPoint], // endPoint - height = startPoint
private _insert(items: IInfiniteGridItem[] = [], outline: number[] = [], isAppend?: boolean, cache?: boolean) {
// this only needs the size of the item.
const clone = cache ? items : cloneItems(items);
return {
items: clone,
outlines: this._layout(clone, outline, isAppend),
export default JustifiedLayout;