import { ALIGN, isMobile, TRANSFORM } from "./consts";
import { $, isWindow, assign } from "./utils";
import { IAlign, IJQuery, PositionType, SizeType, InnerSizeType, ClientSizeType, IInfiniteGridItemElement, OffsetSizeType, IInfiniteGridItem } from "./types";
export interface IParallaxStyle {
position: PositionType;
size: SizeType;
cammelSize: string;
coordinate: string;
const style: {
vertical: IParallaxStyle;
horizontal: IParallaxStyle;
} = {
vertical: { position: "top", size: "height", cammelSize: "Height", coordinate: "Y" },
horizontal: { position: "left", size: "width", cammelSize: "Width", coordinate: "X" },
const { START, CENTER } = ALIGN;
* @classdesc Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight. You can apply parallax by scrolling the image and speed of the item.
* @ko Parallax는 서로 다른 두 개의 시선에서 바라본 물체의 외관상 위치의 변위 또는 차이입니다. 스크롤에 따라 이미지와 아이템의 속도를 차이를 줌으로써 parallax을 적용할 수 있습니다.
* @class eg.Parallax
* @param {Element|String} [root=window] Scrolling target. If you scroll in the body, set window. 스크롤하는 대상. 만약 body에서 스크롤하면 window로 설정한다.
* @param {Object} [options] The option object of eg.Parallax module <ko>eg.Parallax 모듈의 옵션 객체</ko>
* @param {Boolean} [options.horizontal=false] Direction of the scroll movement (false: vertical, true: horizontal) <ko>스크롤 이동 방향 (false: 세로방향, true: 가로방향)</ko>
* @param {Element|String} [options.container=null] Container wrapping items. If root and container have no gaps, do not set option. <ko> 아이템들을 감싸고 있는 컨테이너. 만약 root와 container간의 차이가 없으면, 옵션을 설정하지 않아도 된다.</ko>
* @param {String} [options.selector="img"] The selector of the image to apply the parallax in the item <ko> 아이템안에 있는 parallax를 적용할 이미지의 selector </ko>
* @param {Boolean} [options.strength=1] Dimensions that indicate the sensitivity of parallax. The higher the strength, the faster.
* @param {Boolean} [] The middle point of parallax. The top is 1 and the bottom is -1. <ko> parallax가 가운데로 오는 점. 상단이 1이고 하단이 -1이다. </ko>
* @param {Boolean} [options.range=[-1, 1]] Range to apply the parallax. The top is 1 and the bottom is -1. <ko> parallax가 적용되는 범위, 상단이 1이고 하단이 -1이다. </ko>
* @param {Boolean} [options.align="start"] The alignment of the image in the item. ("start" : top or left, "center": middle) <ko> 아이템안의 이미지의 정렬 </ko>
* @example
// isOverflowScroll: false
var parallax = new eg.Parallax(window, {
container: ".container",
selector: "img.parallax",
strength: 0.8,
center: 0,
range: [-1, 1],
align: "center",
horizontal: true,
// isOverflowScroll: ture
var parallax = new eg.Parallax(".container", {
selector: "img.parallax",
strength: 0.8,
center: 0,
range: [-1, 1],
align: "center",
horizontal: true,
// item interface
var item = {
// original size
size: {
width: 100,
height: 100,
// view size
rect: {
top: 100,
left: 100,
width: 100,
height: 100,
class Parallax {
public options: {
container: HTMLElement;
selector: string;
strength: number;
center: number;
range: number[];
align: IAlign[keyof IAlign];
horizontal: boolean;
private _root: Window | HTMLElement;
private _container: HTMLElement;
private _rootSize: number;
private _containerPosition: number;
private _style: IParallaxStyle;
root: Window | HTMLElement | IJQuery | string = window,
options: Partial<Parallax["options"]> = {}) {
this.options = assign({
container: null,
selector: "img",
strength: 1,
center: 0,
range: [-1, 1],
align: START,
horizontal: false,
}, options);
this._root = $(root);
this._container = this.options.container && $(this.options.container);
this._rootSize = 0;
this._containerPosition = 0;
this._style = style[this.options.horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical"];
* As the browser is resized, the gaps between the root and the container and the size of the items are updated.
* @ko 브라우저의 크기가 변경됨으로 써 root와 container의 간격과 아이템들의 크기를 갱신한다.
* @method eg.Parallax#resize
* @param {Array} [items = []] Items to apply parallax. It does not apply if it is not in visible range. <ko>parallax를 적용할 아이템들. 가시거리에 존재하지 않으면 적용이 안된다.</ko>
* @return {eg.Parallax} An instance of a module itself<ko>모듈 자신의 인스턴스</ko>
* @example
window.addEventListener("resize", function (e) {
public resize(items: IInfiniteGridItem[] = []) {
const root = this._root;
const container = this._container;
const positionName = this._style.position;
const sizeName = this._style.cammelSize;
if (!container || root === container) {
this._containerPosition = 0;
} else {
const rootRect = (isWindow(root) ? document.body : root).getBoundingClientRect();
const containertRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
this._containerPosition = containertRect[positionName] - rootRect[positionName];
this._rootSize = isWindow(root) ?
window[`inner${sizeName}` as InnerSizeType] ||
document.documentElement[`client${sizeName}` as ClientSizeType] :
root[`client${sizeName}` as ClientSizeType];
if (isMobile && isWindow(root)) {
const bodyWidth = document.body.offsetWidth || document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
this._rootSize = this._rootSize / (bodyWidth / windowWidth);
items.forEach(item => {
return this;
* Scrolls the image in the item by a parallax.
* @ko 스크롤하면 아이템안의 이미지를 시차적용시킨다.
* @method eg.Parallax#refresh
* @param {Array} [items = []] Items to apply parallax. It does not apply if it is not in visible range. <ko>parallax를 적용할 아이템들. 가시거리에 존재하지 않으면 적용이 안된다.</ko>
* @param {Number} [scrollPositionStart = 0] The scroll position.
* @return {eg.Parallax} An instance of a module itself<ko>모듈 자신의 인스턴스</ko>
* @example
document.body.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) {
parallax.refresh(items, e.scrollTop);
public refresh(items: IInfiniteGridItem[] = [], scrollPositionStart = 0) {
const styleNames = this._style;
const positionName = styleNames.position;
const coordinateName = styleNames.coordinate;
const sizeName = styleNames.size;
const options = this.options;
const { strength, center, range, align } = options;
const rootSize = this._rootSize;
const scrollPositionEnd = scrollPositionStart + rootSize;
const containerPosition = this._containerPosition;
items.forEach(item => {
if (!item.rect || !item.size || !item.el) {
const position = containerPosition + item.rect[positionName];
const itemSize = item.rect[sizeName] || item.size[sizeName];
// check item is in container.
if (scrollPositionStart > position + itemSize ||
scrollPositionEnd < position) {
const el = item.el;
if (!el.__IMAGE__) {
if (el.__IMAGE__ === -1) {
const imageElement = el.__IMAGE__!;
const boxElement = el.__BOX__!;
const boxSize = boxElement.__SIZE__!;
const imageSize = imageElement.__SIZE__!;
// no parallax
if (boxSize >= imageSize) {
// remove transform style[TRANSFORM] = "";
// if area's position is center, ratio is 0.
// if area is hidden at the top, ratio is 1.
// if area is hidden at the bottom, ratio is -1.
const imagePosition = position + boxSize / 2;
let ratio = (scrollPositionStart + rootSize / 2 -
(rootSize + boxSize) / 2 * center - imagePosition) /
(rootSize + boxSize) * 2 * strength;
// if ratio is out of the range of -1 and 1, show empty space.
ratio = Math.max(Math.min(ratio, range[1]), range[0]);
// dist is the position when thumnail's image is centered.
const dist = (boxSize - imageSize) / 2;
let translate = dist * (1 - ratio);
if (align === CENTER) {
translate -= dist;
imageElement.__TRANSLATE__ = translate;
imageElement.__RATIO__ = ratio;[TRANSFORM] = `translate${coordinateName}(${translate}px)`;
return this;
private _checkParallaxItem(element: IInfiniteGridItemElement) {
if (!element) {
const selector = this.options.selector;
if (!element.__IMAGE__) {
const img = element.querySelector<IInfiniteGridItemElement>(selector);
element.__IMAGE__ = img || -1;
if (!img) {
element.__BOX__ = img.parentNode as IInfiniteGridItemElement;
if (element.__IMAGE__ === -1) {
const sizeName = this._style.cammelSize;
element.__IMAGE__.__SIZE__ = element.__IMAGE__[`offset${sizeName}` as OffsetSizeType];
element.__BOX__!.__SIZE__ = element.__BOX__![`offset${sizeName}` as OffsetSizeType];
export default Parallax;