Class: Fade


new eg.Flicking.plugins.Fade(selector, scale)

You can apply fade in / out effect while panel is moving.

패널들을 움직이면서 fade in / out 효과를 부여할 수 있습니다.

  • selector (default: "") optional
    Type: string

    The selector of the element to which the fade effect is to be applied. If the selector is blank, it applies to panel element.

    Fade 효과를 적용할 대상의 선택자. 선택자가 공백이면 패널 엘리먼트에 적용된다.

  • scale (default: 1) optional
    Type: number

    Effect amplication scale

    효과 증폭도


flicking.addPlugins(new eg.Flicking.plugins.Fade("p", 1));

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