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Getting Started

Browser support

IE 10+, latest of Chrome/FF/Safari, iOS 7+ and Android 2.3+ (except 3.x)

Quick steps to use:

1. Set up your HTML

<div id="area"></div>

2. Load files or import library

<script src="//"></script>
var Axes = eg.Axes;
var PanInput = Axes.PanInput;
var PinchInput = Axes.PinchInput;
var WheelInput = Axes.WheelInput;
var MoveKeyInput = Axes.MoveKeyInput;
import Axes, {PanInput, PinchInput, WheelInput, MoveKeyInput} from "@egjs/axes";

3. Initialize Axes

Initialize Axes. specify the axis to be used. The key of the axis specifies the name to use as the logical virtual coordinate system.

// create eg.Axes with option
const axes = new Axes({
something1: { range: [0, 100] },
something2: { range: [0, 100] },
somethingN: { range: [-200, 200] }

4. Attach event handlers

Axes provides six events.

"change": evt => /* ... */

5. Initialize InputTypes to use

Create an InputType to associate with the axis of eg.Axes.

Axes provides five inputTypes.

// create inputTypes to use
const panInput = new PanInput("#area");
const wheelInput = new WheelInput("#wArea");
const pinchInput = new PinchInput("#pArea");
const movekeyInput = new MoveKeyInput("#mArea");

6. Connect eg.Axes and InputTypes

* [PanInput] When the mouse or touchscreen is down and moved.
* Connect the 'something2' axis to the mouse or touchscreen x position and
* connect the 'somethingN' axis to the mouse or touchscreen y position.
axes.connect(["something2", "somethingN"], panInput); // or axes.connect("something2 somethingN", panInput);
// Connect only one 'something1' axis to the mouse or touchscreen x position.
axes.connect(["something1"], panInput); // or axes.connect("something1", panInput);
// Connect only one 'something2' axis to the mouse or touchscreen y position.
axes.connect(["", "something2"], panInput); // or axes.connect(" something2", panInput);

// [WheelInput] Connect 'something1' axis when the mousewheel is moved.
axes.connect(["something1"], wheelInput); // or axes.connect("something1", wheelInput);

// [PinchInput] Connect 'something2' axis when two pointers are moving toward (zoom-in) or away from each other (zoom-out).
axes.connect(["something2"], pinchInput); // or axes.connect("something2", pinchInput);

// Connect 'something1' axis to left-right arrow key and 'something2' axis to top-bottom key
axes.connect(["something1", "something2"], movekeyInput); // or axes.connect("something1 something2", panInput);

7. Enjoy!

You can change the value of the axis through touch screen, mouse or anything else.