Introspectors for Kotlin
Fixture Monkey provides some additional introspectors that support the generation of Kotlin classes.
The PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector
becomes the default introspector when the Kotlin plugin is added.
It creates a Kotlin class with its primary constructor.
In the case of using PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector
, it only contains the properties of the Kotlin constructor parameter
If you use your own ArbitraryIntrospector
instead of PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector
, it will contain the properties of the Kotlin constructor parameter
, Field
, Getter
. So it contains the properties of the parent Field
and Getter
You can customize the all properties by ArbitraryBuilder
For example, if you apply the JacksonPlugin
after applying the KotlinPlugin
, you can generate an instance of the Kotlin type by Jackson. In this case, you can customize the parent fields.
Example Kotlin Class :
data class Product (
val id: Long?,
val productName: String,
val price: Long,
val options: List<String>,
val createdAt: Instant
Using PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector :
fun test() {
val fixtureMonkey = FixtureMonkey.builder()
val product: Product = fixtureMonkey.giveMeOne()
The KotlinAndJavaCompositeArbitraryIntrospector
is an introspector designed to assist in the creation of Kotlin classes that reference Java classes.
Example Kotlin Class :
class KotlinClassWithJavaClass(val javaObject: JavaObject)
Example Java Class :
public class JavaObject {
private String value;
private Map<String, String> map;
public JavaObject() {
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public Map<String, String> getMap() {
return map;
public void setMap(Map<String, String> map) { = map;
Using PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector :
fun kotlinClassWithJavaClass() {
// given
val sut: FixtureMonkey = FixtureMonkey.builder()
// when
val actual = sut.giveMeOne<KotlinClassWithJavaClass>()
For Kotlin and Java classes respectively, it uses the PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector and the BeanArbitraryIntrospector by default.
If changes are desired, these can be injected as arguments.
// given
val sut: FixtureMonkey = FixtureMonkey.builder()
kotlinArbitraryIntrospector = PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector.INSTANCE,
javaArbitraryIntrospector = ConstructorPropertiesArbitraryIntrospector.INSTANCE