Release Notes


Deprecate Randoms.create(String), use Randoms.setSeed(long) instead.

Fix an instance generated by ConstructorPropertiesArbitraryIntrospector that was not validated by validation annotations.

Fix using KotlinArbitraryBuilder when generating an Arb in kotest module.


Fix keep equivalence with ElemenetProperty and MapKeyElementProperty and MapValueElementProperty.


Fix not registering size API if decomposing.

Add enrich the failed test log with seed.


Fix generating empty String with @Size annotation.


Fix setting recursive implementations of self reference object.

Fix registering JavaBuilder and KotlinBuilder.


Fix set a recursive object.

Add a missing giveMeJavaBuilder with an object parameter.


Fix generating empty String with @Size annotation.


Add support for hashCode, equals, toString in anonymous object

Add enableLoggingFail option to dismiss the failed logging in FixtureMonkeyBuilder.

Add supporting for the is prefix boolean within javaGetter.


Add enableLoggingFail option as a constructor argument in FailoverIntrospector


Add PriorityConstructorArbitraryIntrospector

Add korean method in MonkeyStringArbitrary


Fix concurrency issue with string generation

Fix seed setting as annotated


Deprecate ElementJsonSubTypesObjectPropertyGenerator, PropertyJsonSubTypesObjectPropertyGenerator in fixture-monkey-jackson module. Please use the ElementJsonSubTypesConcreteTypeResolver, PropertyJsonSubTypesConcreteTypeResolver instead.

Add new APIs that generates the unique value by Values.unique(Supplier) or CombinableArbitrary.unique().

Check out the examples below.

.set("$[*]", Values.unique(() -> Arbitraries.integers().between(0, 3).sample()))`, 
.<List<Integer>>customizeProperty(typedRoot(), CombinableArbitrary::unique)

Add @Seed to reproduce the randomly populated object in fixture-monkey-junit-jupiter module.


Add the flexible option for complex usage in InterfacePlugin.

Fix for generating Kotlin self-reference with default arguments.


Add compatibility with ObjectPropertyGenerator and CandidateConcretePropertyResolver.

Add regenerate when container is filtered.

Deprecate the pushExactTypePropertyCandidateResolver option. Use InterfacePlugin instead.


Deprecate the ObjectPropertyGenerator that modify child properties listed below. For example, InterfaceObjectPropertyGenerator, SealedTypeObjectPropertyGenerator, SingleValueObjectPropertyGenerator Use InterfaceCandidateConcretePropertyResolver, SealedTypeCandidateConcretePropertyResolver instead.

Fix set ZoneId in Kotlin JDK21.

Fix collection generation not throw exception.

Fix decompose Java Kotlin functional interface.


Fix generation of enum implementations as a sealed class in JDK17.

Add support for multi-level inheritance of sealed class and sealed interface.

Fix JdkVariantOptions having higher priority than custom options.


Fix a SimpleValuePlugin “out of byte range” error when generate Byte.


Fix SimpleValueJqwikPlugin mismatching order with constructor and field.


Modify the way a value class is used to output arbitrary value.

Fix sealedInterface set not working after thenApply.

Add supporting Supplier type.

Add a new Plugin SimpleValueJqwikPlugin for beginners, it provides a readable String, limited scope of Number and Date. It can customize them as well.


Add resolve the candidate concrete type of container type.

Fix register working on assignable type.


Add ConcreteTypeDefinition in ArbitraryProperty, deprecate getChildPropertiesByResolvedProperty and getChildPropertyListsByCandidateProperty which is added in 1.0.14.

Add “KotlinDurationIntrospector” supporting generating a Duration type in Kotlin.

Fix setting a child of a concrete type to an abstract type.

Add a new Kotlin Exp expression for referencing root. ex. set(String::root, "expected")


Add supporting value class with the private constructor.

Add supporting for sealed class and sealed interface.

Deprecate nullInject and childPropertyListsByCandidateProperty properties in ObjectNode. They would be moved to ArbitraryProperty.


Add InterfacePlugin supports abstract classes through abstractClassExtends option.

Fix setLazy with value wrapped by Just would not be manipulated.

Fix missing required PropertyGenerator within introspectors.


Fix generating an object with the value class property.


Fix mutation of a generated object by FieldReflection, BeanArbitraryIntrospector


Fix setting object field by any other type.

Refactor does not throw exception when it cannot generate, the next ArbitraryIntrospector will be used.

Add handling when using an ArbitraryIntrospector that does not match the property type. Add a log entry if the property is of a container type, and throw an exception if the property is of a concrete type.

Add better support Kotest by modifying giveMeArb more Kotlin-like, by adding setArb API.


Fix the addExceptGenerateClass to be unaffected by the specific ArbitraryIntrospector used

Add customizing Wildcard type in an option

Experimental Feature

Add customizeProperty API in ArbitraryBuilder to customize generated value


Improve the error message with specific details about the failed type when generation fails

Fix setting child type when generating parent type


Fix the fixture-monkey-kotlin module to be compatible with JDK 8


Fixture Monkey now infers properties when generating a type using a specific ArbitraryIntrospector that requires certain types of properties (Refer to the comment in ArbitraryGenerator#getRequiredPropertyGenerator)

Support generating an instance of a Kotlin type with a private constructor

Introduce InterfacePlugin featuring detailed interface options (interfaceImplements, useAnonymousArbitraryIntrospector option)

The interfaceImplements option in FixtureMonkeyBuilder is now deprecated. It will be moved in InterfacePlugin


Fix ConstructorPropertiesArbitraryIntrospector to be able to generate a type that does not use Lombok

Fix FailoverIntrospector catching an exception thrown by declaring a CombinableArbitrary


Record types are generated using the canonical constructor by default


Introduce a new option pushJavaConstraintGeneratorCustomizer to customize the JavaConstraintGenerator option

Parallel execution is now supported with the jqwik engine

Fix the generation of decimal values, ensuring a minimum of 0, with the kotest-property engine


Fix generating a record instance with 2 or more constructors


Add Exp DSL resolving an array element at a specific index


Add instantiate as stable API

Kotlin object generation with instantiateBy constructor, now utilizes the provided Kotlin constructor

Experimental Feature
  • Add a new property selector javaGetter replacing String expression with type-safe method reference.



Fix setting Just in setLazy.

Fix a bug in validOnly operation in ArbitraryBuilder.

Fix a bug in addContainerType, addDecomposedContainerValueFactory option, which is not working for an implementation of option type.

Remove jqwik-kotlin dependency in fixture-monkey-kotlin module.

Deprecate FixtureMonkeyOptions dependency in ObjectPropertyGeneratorContext, ContainerPropertyGeneratorContext.

Add addDecomposedContainerValueFactory option.

Add giveMeExperimentalBuilder for experimental features.

Experimental Feature
  • Add a new ArbitraryBuilder operation instantiate, instantiateBy for Kotlin, which specifies how to instantiate a given type.

  • Providing a static method constructor() for specifying that it instantiates a given type by constructor.

  • Providing a static method factoryMethod() for specifying that it instantiates a given type by factory method.

  • Providing a static method field(), javaBeansProperty() that subsequently sets a property for both constructor(), factoryMethod()


Add kotest module. Using it as a runtime of generating primitive types.

Add supporting a custom validator in Javax, Jakarta Bean Validation.

Add PropertySelecotr as a super type of ExpressionGenerator to abstract how to reference a property.

Fix a bug in size Map in thenApply operation.

Add option to resolve a seed for deterministic re-runs.

Fix set a nested self reference object.


An anonymous object generated by Fixture Monkey could invoke a default method instead of invoking an arbitrary method.


Fix sampleList always returns a same element with AnonymousArbitraryIntrospector.

Remove CombinableArbitrary.from(Arbitrary). Use ArbitraryUtils.toCombinableArbitrary instead.

Refactor CombinableArbitrary.from has a type parameter instead of wildcard type.

Fix generating self reference map type with different key type.

Refactor setPostCondition does not cause any performance issue.

Fix generating a unique key of Map.

Add new option javaConstraintGenerator which defines a constraint of String, Decimal type, Integer type, DateTime type, Container type.


DefaultDecomposedContainerValueFactory supports Map.Entry

A concurrency bug fixed in PrimaryConstructorArbitraryIntrospector


Deprecate List<PropertygenerateChildProperties(AnnotatedType annotatedType) in PropertyGenerator interface, it will be removed in 0.7.0

Add List<PropertygenerateChildProperties(Property property) in PropertyGenerator interface


Log the error instead of throwing an exception if setting field is failed with FieldReflectionArbitraryIntrospector

Add more support for kotlin extensions in FixtureMonkeyBuilder