Bean Validation
Generating valid data
Using the Jakarta Validation plugin, we can generate valid data based on Jakarta Bean validation annotations on properties.
For example, there can be a Product
class annotated as follows:
public class Product {
long id;
String productName;
long price;
@Size(min = 3)
List<@NotBlank String> options;
Instant createdAt;
An instance of the Product class that is compliant with the annotations can be created in the following manner:
void test() {
// given
FixtureMonkey fixtureMonkey = FixtureMonkey.builder()
.plugin(new JakartaValidationPlugin())
// when
Product actual = fixtureMonkey.giveMeOne(Product.class);
// then
then(actual.getOptions()).allSatisfy(it -> then(it).isNotEmpty());
Supported Annotations
Every annotation from the jakarta.validation.constraints
package is supported.
Different types support different annotation constraints.
Numeric Type
Supported Types: BigDecimal
, BigInteger
, byte
, double
, float
, int
, long
, short
- @Digits (fraction is currently not supported)
- @Max
- @Min
- @Negative
- @NegativeOrZero
- @DecimalMax
- @DecimalMin
- @Positive
- @PositiveOrZero
Boolean Type
- @AssertFalse
- @AssertTrue
String Type
- @Null
- @NotNull
- @NotBlank
- @NotEmpty
- @Size
- @Digits
- @Pattern
Time Type
Supported Types: Calendar
, Date
, Instant
, LocalDate
, LocalDateTime
, LocalTime
, ZonedDateTime
, Year
, YearMonth
, MonthDay
, OffsetDateTime
, OffsetTime
- @Past
- @PastOrPresent
- @Future
- @FutureOrPresent
Container Type
- @Size
- @NotEmpty