Generating Complex Types

Fixture Monkey is capable of generating complex objects that are difficult to create as test fixtures.

This page contains examples of the various types of objects that can be generated.


Generic Objects

public static class GenericObject<T> {
   T foo;

public static class GenericArrayObject<T> {
   GenericObject<T>[] foo;

public static class TwoGenericObject<T, U> {
   T foo;
   U bar;

public static class ThreeGenericObject<T, U, V> {
   T foo;
   U bar;
   V baz;

Generic Interfaces

public interface GenericInterface<T> {

public static class GenericInterfaceImpl<T> implements GenericInterface<T> {
   T foo;

public interface TwoGenericInterface<T, U> {

public static class TwoGenericImpl<T, U> implements TwoGenericInterface<T, U> {
   T foo;

   U bar;


public class SelfReference {
   String foo;
   SelfReference bar;

public class SelfReferenceList {
   String foo;
   List<SelfReferenceList> bar;


public interface Interface {
   String foo();

   Integer bar();

public interface InheritedInterface extends Interface {
   String foo();

public interface InheritedInterfaceWithSameNameMethod extends Interface {
   String foo();

public interface ContainerInterface {
   List<String> baz();

   Map<String, Integer> qux();

public interface InheritedTwoInterface extends Interface, ContainerInterface {


Generic Objects

class Generic<T>(val foo: T)

class GenericImpl(val foo: Generic<String>)


class SelfReference(val foo: String, val bar: SelfReference?)

Sealed class, Value class

sealed class SealedClass

object ObjectSealedClass : SealedClass()

class SealedClassImpl(val foo: String) : SealedClass()

value class ValueClass(val foo: String)