Source code for claf.model.reading_comprehension.drqa

from overrides import overrides

import torch.nn as nn

from claf.decorator import register
from claf.model.base import ModelWithTokenEmbedder
from claf.model.reading_comprehension.mixin import SQuADv1
import claf.modules.functional as f
import claf.modules.attention as attention

[docs]@register("model:drqa") class DrQA(SQuADv1, ModelWithTokenEmbedder): """ Document Reader Model. `Span Detector` Implementation of model presented in Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions ( - Embedding + features - Align question embedding * Args: token_embedder: 'QATokenEmbedder', Used to embed the 'context' and 'question'. * Kwargs: lang_code: Dataset language code [en|ko] aligned_query_embedding: f_align(p_i) = sum(a_ij, E(qj), where the attention score a_ij captures the similarity between pi and each question words q_j. these features add soft alignments between similar but non-identical words (e.g., car and vehicle) it only apply to 'context_embed'. answer_maxlen: the most probable answer span of length less than or equal to {answer_maxlen} model_dim: the number of model dimension dropout: the dropout probability """ def __init__( self, token_embedder, lang_code="en", aligned_query_embedding=False, answer_maxlen=None, model_dim=128, dropout=0.3, ): super(DrQA, self).__init__(token_embedder) self.lang_code = lang_code self.aligned_query_embedding = aligned_query_embedding self.answer_maxlen = answer_maxlen self.token_embedder = token_embedder self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) context_embed_dim, query_embed_dim = token_embedder.get_embed_dim() if self.aligned_query_embedding: context_embed_dim += query_embed_dim self.paragraph_rnn = nn.LSTM( input_size=context_embed_dim, hidden_size=model_dim, num_layers=3, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True, ) self.query_rnn = nn.LSTM( input_size=query_embed_dim, hidden_size=model_dim, num_layers=3, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True, ) self.query_att = attention.LinearSeqAttn(model_dim * 2) self.start_attn = attention.BilinearSeqAttn(model_dim * 2, model_dim * 2) self.end_attn = attention.BilinearSeqAttn(model_dim * 2, model_dim * 2) self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
[docs] @overrides def forward(self, features, labels=None): """ * Args: features: feature dictionary like below. {"feature_name1": { "token_name1": tensor, "toekn_name2": tensor}, "feature_name2": ...} * Kwargs: label: label dictionary like below. {"label_name1": tensor, "label_name2": tensor} Do not calculate loss when there is no label. (inference/predict mode) * Returns: output_dict (dict) consisting of - start_logits: representing unnormalized log probabilities of the span start position. - end_logits: representing unnormalized log probabilities of the span end position. - best_span: the string from the original passage that the model thinks is the best answer to the question. - data_idx: the question id, mapping with answer - loss: A scalar loss to be optimised. """ context = features["context"] # aka paragraph question = features["question"] # Sorted Sequence config (seq_lengths, perm_idx, unperm_idx) for RNN pack_forward context_seq_config = f.get_sorted_seq_config(context) query_seq_config = f.get_sorted_seq_config(question) # Embedding query_params = {"frequent_word": {"frequent_tuning": True}} context_embed, query_embed = self.token_embedder( context, question, query_params=query_params, query_align=self.aligned_query_embedding ) context_mask = f.get_mask_from_tokens(context).float() query_mask = f.get_mask_from_tokens(question).float() context_embed = self.dropout(context_embed) query_embed = self.dropout(query_embed) # RNN (LSTM) context_encoded = f.forward_rnn_with_pack( self.paragraph_rnn, context_embed, context_seq_config ) context_encoded = self.dropout(context_encoded) query_encoded = f.forward_rnn_with_pack( self.query_rnn, query_embed, query_seq_config ) # (B, Q_L, H*2) query_encoded = self.dropout(query_encoded) query_attention = self.query_att(query_encoded, query_mask) # (B, Q_L) query_att_sum = f.weighted_sum(query_attention, query_encoded) # (B, H*2) span_start_logits = self.start_attn(context_encoded, query_att_sum, context_mask) span_end_logits = self.end_attn(context_encoded, query_att_sum, context_mask) # Masked Value span_start_logits = f.add_masked_value(span_start_logits, context_mask, value=-1e7) span_end_logits = f.add_masked_value(span_end_logits, context_mask, value=-1e7) output_dict = { "start_logits": span_start_logits, "end_logits": span_end_logits, "best_span": self.get_best_span( span_start_logits, span_end_logits, answer_maxlen=self.answer_maxlen ), } if labels: data_idx = labels["data_idx"] answer_start_idx = labels["answer_start_idx"] answer_end_idx = labels["answer_end_idx"] output_dict["data_idx"] = data_idx loss = self.criterion(span_start_logits, answer_start_idx) loss += self.criterion(span_end_logits, answer_end_idx) output_dict["loss"] = loss.unsqueeze(0) return output_dict