
 * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp.
 * billboard project is licensed under the MIT license
import Chart from "./Chart/Chart";
import {isObject, mergeObj} from "./module/util";

let defaults = {};

 * @namespace bb
 * @version __VERSION__
const bb = {
	 * Version information
	 * @property {string} version version
	 * @example
	 *    bb.version;  // "1.0.0"
	 * @memberof bb
	version: "__VERSION__",

	 * Generate chart
	 * - **NOTE:** Bear in mind for the possiblity of ***throwing an error***, during the generation when:
	 *   - Unused option value is given.
	 *     - ex) For `data.type="pie"` option, setting 'axis' option can cause unexpected generation error.
	 *   - Insufficient value is given for certain option used.
	 *     - ex) `data: { x: "x", columns: [["x"], ["data1", 30, 200, 100]] }`
	 * @param {Options} config chart options
	 * @memberof bb
	 * @returns {Chart}
	 * @see {@link Options} for different generation options
	 * @see {@link Chart} for different methods API
	 * @example
	 *  <!-- chart holder -->
	 * <div id="LineChart"></div>
	 * @example
	 *  // Generate chart with options
	 *  var chart = bb.generate({
	 *      "bindto": "#LineChart"
	 *      "data": {
	 *          "columns": [
	 *              ["data1", 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
	 *              ["data2", 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
	 *           ],
	 *          "type": "line"
	 *      }
	 *  });
	 *  // call some API
	 *  // ex) get the data of 'data1'
	 * @example
	 * // Generate chart by importing ESM
	 * // Import types to be used only, where this will make smaller bundle size.
	 * import bb, {
	 *   area,
	 *   areaLineRange,
	 *   areaSpline,
	 *   areaSplineRange,
	 *   areaStep,
	 *   bar,
	 *   bubble,
	 *   donut,
	 *   gauge,
	 *   line,
	 *   pie,
	 *   polar,
	 *   radar,
	 *   scatter,
	 *   spline,
	 *   step
	 * }
	 * bb.generate({
	 *      "bindto": "#LineChart"
	 *      "data": {
	 *          "columns": [
	 *              ["data1", 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
	 *              ["data2", 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
	 *           ]
	 *      },
	 *      type: line(),
	 *      // or
	 *      types: {
	 *        data1: bar(),
	 *        data2: step()
	 *      }
	 * });
	generate(config) {
		const options = mergeObj({}, defaults, config);
		const inst = new Chart(options);

		inst.internal.charts = this.instance;

		return inst;

	 * Set or get global default options.
	 * - **NOTE:**
	 *   - The options values settings are valid within page context only.
	 *   - If is called multiple times, will override the last value.
	 * @param {Options} options chart options
	 * @memberof bb
	 * @returns {Options}
	 * @see {@link Options}
	 * @example
	 * // Set same option value as for `.generate()`
	 * bb.defaults({
	 *   data: {
	 *     type: "bar"
	 *   }
	 * });
	 * bb.defaults();  // {data:{type: "bar"}}
	 * // data.type defaults to 'bar'
	 * var chart = bb.generate({ ... });
	defaults(options?) {
		if (isObject(options)) {
			defaults = options;

		return defaults;

	 * An array containing instance created
	 * @property {Array} instance instance array
	 * @example
	 *  // generate charts
	 *  var chart1 = bb.generate(...);
	 *  var chart2 = bb.generate(...);
	 *  bb.instance;  // [ chart1, chart2, ... ]
	 * @memberof bb
	instance: [],

	 * Namespace for plugins
	 * @property {object} plugin plugin namespace
	 * @example
	 *  // Stanford diagram plugin
	 *  bb.plugin.stanford;
	 * @memberof bb
	plugin: {}

export {bb, bb as default};