* Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp.
* billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license
import type {ChartTypes, d3Selection} from "../../../../types/types";
* data config options
export default {
* Specify the key of x values in the data.<br><br>
* We can show the data with non-index x values by this option. This option is required when the type of x axis is timeseries. If this option is set on category axis, the values of the data on the key will be used for category names.
* @name data․x
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default undefined
* @example
* data: {
* x: "date"
* }
data_x: <string | undefined>undefined,
* Converts data id value
* @name data․idConverter
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default function(id) { return id; }
* @example
* data: {
* idConverter: function(id) {
* // when id is 'data1', converts to be 'data2'
* // 'data2' should be given as the initial data value
* if (id === "data1") {
* return "data2";
* } else {
* return id;
* }
* }
* }
data_idConverter: id => id,
* Set custom data name.
* If a name is set to `null`, the series is omitted from the legend.
* @name data․names
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @default {}
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataName)
* @example
* data: {
* names: {
* data1: "Data Name 1",
* data2: "Data Name 2"
* }
* }
data_names: <{[key: string]: string | null}>{},
* Set custom data class.<br><br>
* If this option is specified, the element g for the data has an additional class that has the prefix 'bb-target-' (eg. bb-target-additional-data1-class).
* @name data․classes
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @default {}
* @example
* data: {
* classes: {
* data1: "additional-data1-class",
* data2: "additional-data2-class"
* }
* }
data_classes: <{[key: string]: string}>{},
* Set chart type at once.<br><br>
* If this option is specified, the type will be applied to every data. This setting can be overwritten by data.types.<br><br>
* **Available Values:**
* - area
* - area-line-range
* - area-spline
* - area-spline-range
* - area-step
* - area-step-range
* - bar
* - bubble
* - candlestick
* - donut
* - funnel
* - gauge
* - line
* - pie
* - polar
* - radar
* - scatter
* - spline
* - step
* - treemap
* @name data․type
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default "line"<br>NOTE: When importing shapes by ESM, `line()` should be specified for type.
* @example
* data: {
* type: "bar"
* }
* @example
* // Generate chart by importing ESM
* // Import types to be used only, where this will make smaller bundle size.
* import bb, {
* area,
* areaLineRange,
* areaSpline,
* areaSplineRange,
* areaStep,
* areaStepRange,
* bar,
* bubble,
* candlestick,
* donut,
* funnel,
* gauge,
* line,
* pie,
* polar,
* radar,
* scatter,
* spline,
* step,
* treemap
* }
* bb.generate({
* ...,
* data: {
* type: bar()
* }
* });
data_type: <ChartTypes | undefined>undefined,
* Set chart type for each data.<br>
* This setting overwrites data.type setting.
* - **NOTE:** `radar` and `treemap` type can't be combined with other types.
* @name data․types
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @default {}
* @example
* data: {
* types: {
* data1: "bar",
* data2: "spline"
* }
* }
* @example
* // Generate chart by importing ESM
* // Import types to be used only, where this will make smaller bundle size.
* import bb, {
* area,
* areaLineRange,
* areaSpline,
* areaSplineRange,
* areaStep,
* areaStepRange,
* bar,
* bubble,
* candlestick,
* donut,
* funnel,
* gauge,
* line,
* pie,
* polar,
* radar,
* scatter,
* spline,
* step,
* treemap
* }
* bb.generate({
* ...,
* data: {
* types: {
* data1: bar(),
* data1: spline()
* }
* }
* });
data_types: <{[key: string]: ChartTypes}>{},
* This option changes the order of stacking data and pieces of pie/donut.
* - If `null` specified, it will be the order the data loaded.
* - If function specified, it will be used as [Array.sort compareFunction](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#Parameters)<br><br>
* **Available Values:**
* - `desc`: In descending order
* - `asc`: In ascending order
* - `null`: It keeps the data load order
* - `function(data1, data2) { ... }`: Array.sort compareFunction
* **NOTE**: order function, only works for Axis based types & Arc types, except `Radar` type.
* @name data․order
* @memberof Options
* @type {string|Function|null}
* @default desc
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataOrder)
* @example
* data: {
* // in descending order (default)
* order: "desc"
* // in ascending order
* order: "asc"
* // keeps data input order
* order: null
* // specifying sort function
* order: function(a, b) {
* // param data passed format
* // {
* // id: "data1", id_org: "data1", values: [
* // {x: 5, value: 250, id: "data1", index: 5, name: "data1"},
* // ...
* // ]
* // }
* const reducer = (p, c) => p + Math.abs(c.value);
* const aSum = a.values.reduce(reducer, 0);
* const bSum = b.values.reduce(reducer, 0);
* // ascending order
* return aSum - bSum;
* // descending order
* // return bSum - aSum;
* }
* }
data_order: <"desc" | "asc" | Function | null>"desc",
* Set groups for the data for stacking.
* @name data․groups
* @memberof Options
* @type {Array}
* @default []
* @example
* data: {
* groups: [
* ["data1", "data2"],
* ["data3"]
* ]
* }
data_groups: <string[][]>[],
* Set how zero value will be treated on groups.<br>
* Possible values:
* - `zero`: 0 will be positioned at absolute axis zero point.
* - `positive`: 0 will be positioned at the top of a stack.
* - `negative`: 0 will be positioned at the bottom of a stack.
* @name data․groupsZeroAs
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default "positive"
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.Groups)
* @example
* data: {
* groupsZeroAs: "zero" // "positive" or "negative"
* }
data_groupsZeroAs: <"zero" | "positive" | "negative">"positive",
* Set color converter function.<br><br>
* This option should a function and the specified function receives color (e.g. '#ff0000') and d that has data parameters like id, value, index, etc. And it must return a string that represents color (e.g. '#00ff00').
* @name data․color
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataColor)
* @example
* data: {
* color: function(color, d) { ... }
* }
data_color: <Function | undefined>undefined,
* Set color for each data.
* @name data․colors
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @default {}
* @example
* data: {
* colors: {
* data1: "#ff0000",
* data2: function(d) {
* return "#000";
* }
* ...
* }
* }
data_colors: <{[key: string]: string | (() => string)}>{},
* Set labels options
* @name data․labels
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @property {object} data Data object
* @property {boolean} [data.labels=false] Show or hide labels on each data points
* @property {boolean} [data.labels.centered=false] Centerize labels on `bar` shape. (**NOTE:** works only for 'bar' type)
* @property {Function} [data.labels.format] Set formatter function for data labels.<br>
* The formatter function receives 4 arguments such as `v, id, i, texts` and it **must return a string** (`\n` character will be used as line break) that will be shown as the label.<br><br>
* The arguments are:<br>
* - `v` is the value of the data point where the label is shown.
* - `id` is the id of the data where the label is shown.
* - `i` is the index of the data series point where the label is shown.
* - `texts` is the array of whole corresponding data series' text labels.<br><br>
* Formatter function can be defined for each data by specifying as an object and D3 formatter function can be set (ex. d3.format('$'))
* @property {string|object} [data.labels.backgroundColors] Set label text background colors.
* @property {string|object|Function} [data.labels.colors] Set label text colors.
* @property {object|Function} [data.labels.position] Set each dataset position, relative the original.<br><br>
* When function is specified, will receives 5 arguments such as `type, v, id, i, texts` and it must return a position number.<br><br>
* The arguments are:<br>
* - `type` coordinate type string, which will be 'x' or 'y'.
* - `v` is the value of the data point where the label is shown.
* - `id` is the id of the data where the label is shown.
* - `i` is the index of the data series point where the label is shown.
* - `texts` is the array of whole corresponding data series' text labels.<br><br>
* @property {number} [data.labels.position.x=0] x coordinate position, relative the original.
* @property {number} [data.labels.position.y=0] y coordinate position, relative the original.
* @property {object} [data.labels.rotate] Rotate label text. Specify degree value in a range of `0 ~ 360`.
* - **NOTE:** Depend on rotate value, text position need to be adjusted manually(using `data.labels.position` option) to be shown nicely.
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @default {}
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabel)
* @see [Demo: label colors](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabelColors)
* @see [Demo: label format](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabelFormat)
* @see [Demo: label multiline](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabelMultiline)
* @see [Demo: label overlap](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabelOverlap)
* @see [Demo: label position](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabelPosition)
* @see [Demo: label rotate](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.DataLabelRotate)
* @example
* data: {
* labels: true,
* // or set specific options
* labels: {
* format: function(v, id, i, texts) {
* ...
* // to multiline, return with '\n' character
* return "Line1\nLine2";
* },
* // it's possible to set for each data
* format: {
* data1: function(v, id, i, texts) { ... },
* ...
* },
* // align text to center of the 'bar' shape (works only for 'bar' type)
* centered: true,
* // apply backgound color for label texts
* backgroundColors: "red",
* // set differenct backround colors per dataset
* backgroundColors: {
* data1: "green",
* data2: "yellow"
* }
* // apply for all label texts
* colors: "red",
* // set different colors per dataset
* // for not specified dataset, will have the default color value
* colors: {
* data1: "yellow",
* data3: "green"
* },
* // call back for label text color
* colors: function(color, d) {
* // color: the default data label color string
* // data: ex) {x: 0, value: 200, id: "data3", index: 0}
* ....
* return d.value > 200 ? "cyan" : color;
* },
* // return x, y coordinate position
* // apt to handle each text position manually
* position: function(type, v, id, i, texts) {
* ...
* return type == "x" ? 10 : 20;
* },
* // set x, y coordinate position
* position: {
* x: -10,
* y: 10
* },
* // or set x, y coordinate position by each dataset
* position: {
* data1: {x: 5, y: 5},
* data2: {x: 10, y: -20}
* },
* // rotate degree for label text
* rotate: 90
* }
* }
data_labels: <boolean | {
centered?: boolean,
format?: (v: number, id: string, i: number, texts: d3Selection) => number,
colors?: string | {[key: string]: string},
position?: (type: "x" | "y", v: number, id: string, i: number, texts: d3Selection) =>
| number
| {[key: string]: number}
| {[key: string]: {x?: number, y?: number}},
rotate?: number
data_labels_backgroundColors: <string | {[key: string]: string} | undefined>undefined,
data_labels_colors: <string | object | Function | undefined>undefined,
data_labels_position: {},
* Hide each data when the chart appears.<br><br>
* If true specified, all of data will be hidden. If multiple ids specified as an array, those will be hidden.
* @name data․hide
* @memberof Options
* @type {boolean|Array}
* @default false
* @example
* data: {
* // all of data will be hidden
* hide: true
* // specified data will be hidden
* hide: ["data1", ...]
* }
data_hide: <string[] | boolean>false,
* Filter values to be shown
* The data value is the same as the returned by `.data()`.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter
* @name data․filter
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @example
* data: {
* // filter for id value
* filter: function(v) {
* // v: [{id: "data1", id_org: "data1", values: [
* // {x: 0, value: 130, id: "data2", index: 0}, ...]
* // }, ...]
* return v.id !== "data1";
* }
data_filter: <(() => boolean) | undefined>undefined,
* Set a callback for click event on each data point.<br><br>
* This callback will be called when each data point clicked and will receive `d` and element as the arguments.
* - `d` is the data clicked and element is the element clicked.
* - `element` is the current interacting svg element.
* - In this callback, `this` will be the Chart object.
* @name data․onclick
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default function() {}
* @example
* data: {
* onclick: function(d, element) {
* // d - ex) {x: 4, value: 150, id: "data1", index: 4, name: "data1"}
* // element - <circle>
* ...
* }
* }
data_onclick: () => {},
* Set a callback for mouse/touch over event on each data point.<br><br>
* This callback will be called when mouse cursor or via touch moves onto each data point and will receive `d` and `element` as the argument.
* - `d` is the data where mouse cursor moves onto.
* - `element` is the current interacting svg element.
* - In this callback, `this` will be the Chart object.
* @name data․onover
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default function() {}
* @example
* data: {
* onover: function(d, element) {
* // d - ex) {x: 4, value: 150, id: "data1", index: 4}
* // element - <circle>
* ...
* }
* }
data_onover: () => {},
* Set a callback for mouse/touch out event on each data point.<br><br>
* This callback will be called when mouse cursor or via touch moves out each data point and will receive `d` as the argument.
* - `d` is the data where mouse cursor moves out.
* - `element` is the current interacting svg element.
* - In this callback, `this` will be the Chart object.
* @name data․onout
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default function() {}
* @example
* data: {
* onout: function(d, element) {
* // d - ex) {x: 4, value: 150, id: "data1", index: 4}
* // element - <circle>
* ...
* }
* }
data_onout: () => {},
* Set a callback for when data is shown.<br>
* The callback will receive shown data ids in array.
* @name data․onshown
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @example
* data: {
* onshown: function(ids) {
* // ids - ["data1", "data2", ...]
* ...
* }
* }
data_onshown: <Function | undefined>undefined,
* Set a callback for when data is hidden.<br>
* The callback will receive hidden data ids in array.
* @name data․onhidden
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @example
* data: {
* onhidden: function(ids) {
* // ids - ["data1", "data2", ...]
* ...
* }
* }
data_onhidden: <Function | undefined>undefined,
* Set a callback for minimum data
* - **NOTE:** For 'area-line-range', 'area-step-range' and 'area-spline-range', `mid` data will be taken for the comparison
* @name data․onmin
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.OnMinMaxCallback)
* @example
* onmin: function(data) {
* // data - ex) [{x: 3, value: 400, id: "data1", index: 3}, ... ]
* ...
* }
data_onmin: <Function | undefined>undefined,
* Set a callback for maximum data
* - **NOTE:** For 'area-line-range', 'area-step-range' and 'area-spline-range', `mid` data will be taken for the comparison
* @name data․onmax
* @memberof Options
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.OnMinMaxCallback)
* @example
* onmax: function(data) {
* // data - ex) [{x: 3, value: 400, id: "data1", index: 3}, ... ]
* ...
* }
data_onmax: <Function | undefined>undefined,
* Load a CSV or JSON file from a URL. NOTE that this will not work if loading via the "file://" protocol as the most browsers will block XMLHTTPRequests.
* @name data․url
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default undefined
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.LoadData)
* @example
* data: {
* url: "/data/test.csv"
* }
data_url: <string | undefined>undefined,
* XHR header value
* - **NOTE:** Should be used with `data.url` option
* @name data․headers
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default undefined
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/setRequestHeader
* @example
* data: {
* url: "/data/test.csv",
* headers: {
* "Content-Type": "text/xml",
* ...
* }
* }
data_headers: <object | undefined>undefined,
* Parse a JSON object for data. See also data.keys.
* @name data․json
* @memberof Options
* @type {Array}
* @default undefined
* @see [data․keys](#.data%25E2%2580%25A4keys)
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.JSONData)
* @example
* data: {
* json: [
* {name: "www.site1.com", upload: 200, download: 200, total: 400},
* {name: "www.site2.com", upload: 100, download: 300, total: 400},
* {name: "www.site3.com", upload: 300, download: 200, total: 500},
* {name: "www.site4.com", upload: 400, download: 100, total: 500}
* ],
* keys: {
* // case 1: specify 'x' key for category axis
* x: "name", // 'name' key will be used as category x axis values
* value: ["upload", "download"]
* // case 2: without 'x' key for non-category axis
* value: ["upload", "download"]
* }
* }
data_json: <object[] | undefined>undefined,
* Load data from a multidimensional array, with the first element containing the data names, the following containing related data in that order.
* @name data․rows
* @memberof Options
* @type {Array}
* @default undefined
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.RowOrientedData)
* @example
* data: {
* rows: [
* ["A", "B", "C"],
* [90, 120, 300],
* [40, 160, 240],
* [50, 200, 290],
* [120, 160, 230],
* [80, 130, 300],
* [90, 220, 320]
* ]
* }
* // for 'bar' type, data can contain:
* // - an array of [start, end] data following the order
* data: {
* rows: [
* ["data1", "data2"],
* [[100, 150], 120],
* [[200, 300], 55],
* [[-400, 500], 60]
* ],
* type: "bar"
* }
* // for 'range' types('area-line-range' or 'area-step-range' or 'area-spline-range'), data should contain:
* // - an array of [high, mid, low] data following the order
* // - or an object with 'high', 'mid' and 'low' key value
* data: {
* rows: [
* ["data1", "data2"],
* [
* // or {high:150, mid: 140, low: 110}, 120
* [150, 140, 110], 120
* ],
* [[155, 130, 115], 55],
* [[160, 135, 120], 60]
* ],
* types: {
* data1: "area-line-range",
* data2: "line"
* }
* }
* // for 'bubble' type, data can contain dimension value:
* // - an array of [y, z] data following the order
* // - or an object with 'y' and 'z' key value
* // 'y' is for y axis coordination and 'z' is the bubble radius value
* data: {
* rows: [
* ["data1", "data2"],
* [
* // or {y:10, z: 140}, 120
* [10, 140], 120
* ],
* [[100, 30], 55],
* [[50, 100], 60]
* ],
* types: {
* data1: "bubble",
* data2: "line"
* }
* }
* // for 'canlestick' type, data should contain:
* // - an array of [open, high, low, close, volume(optional)] data following the order
* // - or an object with 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close' and 'value'(optional) key value
* data: {
* rows: [
* ["data1", "data2"],
* [
* // open, high, low, close, volume (optional)
* {open: 1300, high: 1369, low: 1200, close: 1339, volume: 100},
* [1000, 1100, 850, 870]
* ],
* [
* {open: 1348, high: 1371, low: 1271, close: 1320},
* [870, 1250, 830, 1200, 50]
* ]
* ],
* type: "candlestick"
* }
data_rows: <(string | number)[][] | undefined>undefined,
* Load data from a multidimensional array, with each element containing an array consisting of a datum name and associated data values.
* @name data․columns
* @memberof Options
* @type {Array}
* @default undefined
* @see [Demo](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Data.ColumnOrientedData)
* @example
* data: {
* columns: [
* ["data1", 30, 20, 50, 40, 60, 50],
* ["data2", 200, 130, 90, 240, 130, 220],
* ["data3", 300, 200, 160, 400, 250, 250]
* ]
* }
* // for 'bar' type, data can contain:
* // - an array of [start, end] data following the order
* data: {
* columns: [
* ["data1", -100, 50, [100, 200], [200, 300]],
* ["data2", -200, 300, [-100, 100], [-50, -30]],
* ],
* type: "bar"
* }
* // for 'range' types('area-line-range' or 'area-step-range' or 'area-spline-range'), data should contain:
* // - an array of [high, mid, low] data following the order
* // - or an object with 'high', 'mid' and 'low' key value
* data: {
* columns: [
* ["data1",
* [150, 140, 110], // or {high:150, mid: 140, low: 110}
* [150, 140, 110],
* [150, 140, 110]
* ]
* ],
* type: "area-line-range"
* }
* // for 'bubble' type, data can contain dimension value:
* // - an array of [y, z] data following the order
* // - or an object with 'y' and 'z' key value
* // 'y' is for y axis coordination and 'z' is the bubble radius value
* data: {
* columns: [
* ["data1",
* [10, 140], // or {y:10, z: 140}
* [100, 30],
* [50, 100]
* ]
* ],
* type: "bubble"
* }
* // for 'canlestick' type, data should contain:
* // - an array of [open, high, low, close, volume(optional)] data following the order
* // - or an object with 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close' and 'value'(optional) key value
* data: {
* columns: [
* ["data1",
* [1000, 1100, 850, 870, 100], // or {open:1000, high: 1100, low: 870, volume: 100}
* [870, 1250, 830, 1200] // 'volume' can be omitted
* ]
* ],
* type: "candlestick"
* }
data_columns: <(string | number)[][] | undefined>undefined,
* Used if loading JSON via data.url.
* - **Available Values:**
* - json
* - csv
* - tsv
* @name data․mimeType
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default csv
* @example
* data: {
* mimeType: "json"
* }
data_mimeType: <"csv" | "json" | "tsv">"csv",
* Choose which JSON object keys correspond to desired data.
* - **NOTE:** Only for JSON object given as array.
* @name data․keys
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default undefined
* @example
* data: {
* json: [
* {name: "www.site1.com", upload: 200, download: 200, total: 400},
* {name: "www.site2.com", upload: 100, download: 300, total: 400},
* {name: "www.site3.com", upload: 300, download: 200, total: 500},
* {name: "www.site4.com", upload: 400, download: 100, total: 500}
* ],
* keys: {
* // case 1: specify 'x' key for category axis
* x: "name", // 'name' key will be used as category x axis values
* value: ["upload", "download"]
* // case 2: without 'x' key for non-category axis
* value: ["upload", "download"]
* }
* }
data_keys: <{x?: string, value?: string[]} | undefined>undefined,
* Set text label to be displayed when there's no data to show.
* - ex. Toggling all visible data to not be shown, unloading all current data, etc.
* @name data․empty․label․text
* @memberof Options
* @type {string}
* @default ""
* @example
* data: {
* empty: {
* label: {
* text: "No Data"
* }
* }
* }
data_empty_label_text: ""