* Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp.
* billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license
import {IDataPoint} from "../../../ChartInternal/data/IData";
* point config options
export default {
* Set point options
* @name point
* @memberof Options
* @type {object}
* @property {object} point Point object
* @property {boolean} [point.show=true] Whether to show each point in line.
* @property {number|Function} [point.r=2.5] The radius size of each point.
* - **NOTE:** Disabled for 'bubble' type
* @property {boolean|object} [point.radialGradient=false] Set the radial gradient on point.<br><br>
* Or customize by giving below object value:
* - cx {number}: `cx` value (default: `0.3`)
* - cy {number}: `cy` value (default: `0.3`)
* - r {number}: `r` value (default: `0.7`)
* - stops {Array}: Each item should be having `[offset, stop-color, stop-opacity]` values.
* - (default: `[[0.1, $DATA_COLOR, 1], [0.9, $DATA_COLOR, 0]]`)
* @property {boolean} [point.focus.expand.enabled=true] Whether to expand each point on focus.
* @property {number} [point.focus.expand.r=point.r*1.75] The radius size of each point on focus.
* - **NOTE:** For 'bubble' type, the default is `bubbleSize*1.15`
* @property {boolean} [point.focus.only=false] Show point only when is focused.
* @property {number|null} [point.opacity=undefined] Set point opacity value.
* - **NOTE:**
* - `null` will make to not set inline 'opacity' css prop.
* - when no value(or undefined) is set, it defaults to set opacity value according its chart types.
* @property {number|string|Function} [point.sensitivity=10] The senstivity value for interaction boundary.
* - **Available Values:**
* - {number}: Absolute sensitivity value which is the distance from the data point in pixel.
* - "radius": sensitivity based on point's radius
* - Function: callback for each point to determine the sensitivity<br>
* ```js
* sensitivity: function(d) {
* // ex. of argument d:
* // ==> {x: 2, value: 55, id: 'data3', index: 2, r: 19.820624179302296}
* // returning d.r, will make sensitivity same as point's radius value.
* return d.r;
* }
* ```
* @property {number} [point.select.r=point.r*4] The radius size of each point on selected.
* @property {string} [point.type="circle"] The type of point to be drawn
* - **NOTE:**
* - If chart has 'bubble' type, only circle can be used.
* - For IE, non circle point expansions are not supported due to lack of transform support.
* - **Available Values:**
* - circle
* - rectangle
* @property {Array} [point.pattern=[]] The type of point or svg shape as string, to be drawn for each line
* - **NOTE:**
* - This is an `experimental` feature and can have some unexpected behaviors.
* - If chart has 'bubble' type, only circle can be used.
* - For IE, non circle point expansions are not supported due to lack of transform support.
* - **Available Values:**
* - circle
* - rectangle
* - svg shape tag interpreted as string<br>
* (ex. `<polygon points='2.5 0 0 5 5 5'></polygon>`)
* @see [Demo: point type](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Point.RectanglePoints)
* @see [Demo: point focus only](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Point.FocusOnly)
* @see [Demo: point radialGradient](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Point.RadialGradientPoint)
* @see [Demo: point sensitivity](https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/demo/#Point.PointSensitivity)
* @example
* point: {
* show: false,
* r: 5,
* // or customize the radius
* r: function(d) {
* ...
* return r;
* },
* // will generate follwing radialGradient:
* // for more info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/radialGradient
* // <radualGradient cx="0.3" cy="0.3" r="0.7">
* // <stop offset="0.1" stop-color="$DATA_COLOR" stop-opacity="1"></stop>
* // <stop offset="0.9" stop-color="$DATA_COLOR" stop-opacity="0"></stop>
* // </radialrGradient>
* radialGradient: true,
* // Or customized gradient
* radialGradient: {
* cx: 0.3, // cx attributes
* cy: 0.5, // cy attributes
* r: 0.7, // r attributes
* stops: [
* // offset, stop-color, stop-opacity
* [0, "#7cb5ec", 1],
* // setting 'null' for stop-color, will set its original data color
* [0.5, null, 0],
* // setting 'function' for stop-color, will pass data id as argument.
* // It should return color string or null value
* [1, function(id) { return id === "data1" ? "red" : "blue"; }, 0],
* ]
* },
* focus: {
* expand: {
* enabled: true,
* r: 1
* },
* only: true
* },
* // do not set inline 'opacity' css prop setting
* opacity: null,
* // set every data point's opacity value
* opacity: 0.7,
* select: {
* r: 3
* },
* // having lower value, means how closer to be for interaction
* sensitivity: 3,
* // sensitivity based on point's radius
* sensitivity: "radius",
* // callback for each point to determine the sensitivity
* sensitivity: function(d) {
* // ex. of argument d:
* // ==> {x: 2, value: 55, id: 'data3', index: 2, r: 19.820624179302296}
* // returning d.r, will make sensitivity same as point's radius value.
* return d.r;
* }
* // valid values are "circle" or "rectangle"
* type: "rectangle",
* // or indicate as pattern
* pattern: [
* "circle",
* "rectangle",
* "<polygon points='0 6 4 0 -4 0'></polygon>"
* ],
* }
point_show: true,
point_r: 2.5,
point_radialGradient: <boolean | {
cx?: number,
cy?: number,
r?: number,
stops?: [number, string | null | Function, number]
point_sensitivity: <number | "radius" | ((d: IDataPoint) => number)>10,
point_focus_expand_enabled: true,
point_focus_expand_r: <number | undefined>undefined,
point_focus_only: false,
point_opacity: <number | null | undefined>undefined,
point_pattern: <string[]>[],
point_select_r: <number | undefined>undefined,
point_type: "circle"