
 * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp.
 * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license
import {select as d3Select} from "d3-selection";
import {$FOCUS, $GAUGE} from "../../config/classes";

type FocusParam = string | string[];

export default {
	 * This API highlights specified targets and fade out the others.<br><br>
	 * You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be highlighted.
	 * @function focus
	 * @instance
	 * @memberof Chart
	 * @param {string|Array} targetIdsValue Target ids to be highlighted.
	 * @example
	 *  // data1 will be highlighted and the others will be faded out
	 *  chart.focus("data1");
	 * // data1 and data2 will be highlighted and the others will be faded out
	 * chart.focus(["data1", "data2"]);
	 * // all targets will be highlighted
	 * chart.focus();
	focus(targetIdsValue?: FocusParam): void {
		const $$ = this.internal;
		const {state} = $$;
		const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
		const candidates = $$.$el.svg.selectAll(
			$$.selectorTargets(targetIds.filter($$.isTargetToShow, $$))


		candidates.classed($FOCUS.focused, true).classed($FOCUS.defocused, false);

		if ($$.hasArcType() && !state.hasRadar) {

			$$.hasType("gauge") &&
				$$.markOverlapped(targetIdsValue, $$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`);

		$$.toggleFocusLegend(targetIds, true);

		state.focusedTargetIds = targetIds;
		state.defocusedTargetIds = state.defocusedTargetIds.filter(id => targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0);

	 * This API fades out specified targets and reverts the others.<br><br>
	 * You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be faded out.
	 * @function defocus
	 * @instance
	 * @memberof Chart
	 * @param {string|Array} targetIdsValue Target ids to be faded out.
	 * @example
	 * // data1 will be faded out and the others will be reverted.
	 * chart.defocus("data1");
	 * // data1 and data2 will be faded out and the others will be reverted.
	 * chart.defocus(["data1", "data2"]);
	 * // all targets will be faded out.
	 * chart.defocus();
	defocus(targetIdsValue?: FocusParam): void {
		const $$ = this.internal;
		const {state} = $$;
		const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
		const candidates = $$.$el.svg.selectAll(
			$$.selectorTargets(targetIds.filter($$.isTargetToShow, $$))

		candidates.classed($FOCUS.focused, false).classed($FOCUS.defocused, true);

		if ($$.hasArcType(null, ["polar"])) {

			$$.hasType("gauge") &&
				$$.undoMarkOverlapped($$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`);

		$$.toggleFocusLegend(targetIds, false);

		state.focusedTargetIds = state.focusedTargetIds.filter(id => targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0);
		state.defocusedTargetIds = targetIds;

	 * Revert focused or defocused state to initial state.<br><br>
	 * You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as string. If no argument is given, all of targets will be reverted.
	 * @function revert
	 * @instance
	 * @memberof Chart
	 * @param {string|Array} targetIdsValue Target ids to be reverted
	 * @example
	 * // 'data1' will be reverted.
	 * chart.revert("data1");
	 * // 'data1' and 'data2' will be reverted.
	 * chart.revert(["data1", "data2"]);
	 * // all targets will be reverted.
	 * chart.revert();
	revert(targetIdsValue?: FocusParam): void {
		const $$ = this.internal;
		const {config, state, $el} = $$;
		const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
		const candidates = $el.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(targetIds)); // should be for all targets

		candidates.classed($FOCUS.focused, false).classed($FOCUS.defocused, false);

		$$.hasArcType(null, ["polar"]) && $$.unexpandArc(targetIds);

		if (config.legend_show) {
				.filter(function() {
					return d3Select(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused);
				.classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false);

		state.focusedTargetIds = [];
		state.defocusedTargetIds = [];