* Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp.
* billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license
import ChartInternal from "../ChartInternal/ChartInternal";
import {loadConfig} from "../config/config";
import {extend, isFunction, notEmpty} from "../module/util";
import apiChart from "./api/chart";
import apiColor from "./api/color";
import apiData from "./api/data";
import apiExport from "./api/export";
import apiFocus from "./api/focus";
import apiLegend from "./api/legend";
import apiLoad from "./api/load";
import apiShow from "./api/show";
import apiTooltip from "./api/tooltip";
* Main chart class.
* - Note: Instantiated via `bb.generate()`.
* @class Chart
* @example
* var chart = bb.generate({
* data: {
* columns: [
* ["x", "2015-11-02", "2015-12-01", "2016-01-01", "2016-02-01", "2016-03-01"],
* ["count1", 11, 8, 7, 6, 5 ],
* ["count2", 9, 3, 6, 2, 8 ]
* ]}
* }
* @see {@link bb.generate} for the initialization.
* Access instance's primary node elements
* @member {object} $
* @property {object} $ Access instance's primary node elements
* @property {d3.selection} $.chart Wrapper element
* @property {d3.selection} $.svg Main svg element
* @property {d3.selection} $.defs Definition element
* @property {d3.selection} $.main Main grouping element
* @property {d3.selection} $.needle Needle element
* - **NOTE:**
* - The element will have `bb-needle` as class name.
* - Will provide speical helper `.updateHelper(value: number, updateConfig: boolean)` method to facilitate needle position update.
* @property {d3.selection} $.tooltip Tooltip element
* @property {d3.selection} $.legend Legend element
* @property {d3.selection} $.title Title element
* @property {d3.selection} $.grid Grid element
* @property {d3.selection} $.arc Arc element
* @property {d3.selection} $.circles Data point circle elements
* @property {object} $.bar Bar element object
* @property {d3.selection} $.bar.bars Bar elements
* @property {d3.selection} $.candlestick Candlestick elements
* @property {object} $.line Line element object
* @property {d3.selection} $.line.lines Line elements
* @property {d3.selection} $.line.areas Areas elements
* @property {object} $.text Text element object
* @property {d3.selection} $.text.texts Data label text elements
* @memberof Chart
* @example
* const chart = bb.generate({ ... });
* chart.$.chart; // wrapper element
* chart.$.line.circles; // all data point circle elements
* @example
* // Update arc needle position
* const chart = bb.generate({
* data: {
* type: "donut"
* },
* arc: {
* needle: {
* show: true,
* ...
* }
* }
* });
* chart.$.needle.updateHelper(70); // update needle position to point value 70.
* // update needle position to point value 70 and the config value.
* // NOTE: updating config value, will update needle pointer initial value too.
* chart.$.needle.updateHelper(70, true);
* // update needle point position every 1 second
* let i = 0;
* setInterval(() => {
* chart.$.needle.updateHelper(i += 10);
* }, 1000)
* Plugin instance array
* @member {Array} plugins
* @memberof Chart
* @example
* var chart = bb.generate({
* ...
* plugins: [
* new bb.plugin.stanford({ ... }),
* new PluginA()
* ]
* });
* chart.plugins; // [Stanford, PluginA] - instance array
export default class Chart {
public plugins = [];
public internal: ChartInternal;
constructor(options) {
const $$ = new ChartInternal(this);
// let hook = () => {};
this.internal = $$;
// bind to namespaced APIs
(function bindThis(fn, target, argThis) {
Object.keys(fn).forEach(key => {
const isFunc = isFunction(fn[key]);
const isChild = target !== argThis;
const isNotNil = notEmpty(fn[key]);
const hasChild = isNotNil && Object.keys(fn[key]).length > 0;
// const hookFn = function(...params) {
// hook();
// return fn[key].bind(argThis)(...params);
// }
if (isFunc && ((!isChild && hasChild) || isChild)) {
target[key] = fn[key].bind(argThis);
} else if (isNotNil && !isFunc) {
target[key] = {};
} else {
target[key] = fn[key];
hasChild && bindThis(fn[key], target[key], argThis);
})(Chart.prototype, this, this);
loadConfig.call($$, options);
// if ($$.config.render.lazy !== false && hasStyle($$.$el.chart, {"display": "none", "visibility": "hidden"})) {
// hook = () => {
// logError(`The call of APIs won't work. Please, make sure if chart element is %cvisible.`);
// };
// }
// extend common APIs as part of Chart class
extend(Chart.prototype, [