- Please post questions in Discussions not Issues.
- nGrinder 3.5.5-p1 version is now available. Check the changes at here.
nGrinder is a platform for stress tests that enables you to execute script creation, test execution, monitoring, and result report generator simultaneously. The open-source nGrinder offers easy ways to conduct stress tests by eliminating inconveniences and providing integrated environments.
- Want to know what's changed from the orginal grinder platform?
Checkout https://github.com/naver/ngrinder/wiki/Architecture!
- To get started,
nGrinder consists of two major components.
- nGrinder controller
a web application that enables the performance tester to create a test script and configure a test run
- nGrinder agent
a virtual user generator that creates loads.
- Use Jython or Groovy script to create test scenario and generate stress in JVM using multiple agents.
- Extend tests with custom libaries(jar, py, maven dependencies). It's unlimited.
- Provide web-based interface for project management, monitoring, result management and report management.
- Develop and test Groovy script in your IDE and run it in distributed agents.
- Run multiple tests concurrently. Assign the preinstalled multiple agents to maximize each agent's utilization.
- Deploy agents on multiple network regions. Execute tests on various network locations
- Embed Subversion to manage scripts.
- Allow to monitor the state of agents generating stress and target machines receiving stress
- Proven solution which is used to test huge systems having more than 100 million users.
You can download latest version in the following link/
Quick start
You can start nGrinder by executing following command.
java -jar ngrinder-controller-{version}.war
And then access it by using a browser. http://localhost:8080
You can find the installation guide at the following link.
You can find the user guide at the following link.
Road Map
The explicit roadmap of nGrinder enables it to be a most effective and efficient performance test tool. Check out our roadmap :Contribution?
nGrinder welcomes all contributions from users. Please make all pull requests against master branches.
- Clone the REPO: 'git clone git://github.com/naver/ngrinder.git'
For transparency and insight into our release cycle, and to strive to maintain backward compatibility, nGrinder will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines to the greatest extent possible.
Releases will be numbered in the following format:
Releases will be constructed based on the following guidelines:
- Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
- New additions without breaking backward compatibility bump the minor (and reset the patch)
- Bug fixes and misc changes bump the patch
Q/A and Bug tracker
Found a bug? Got an idea for an enhancement? Please create an issue here on GitHub so you can notify us!
You can join the our mailing list.
Copyright and license
Copyright 2012-present NAVER Corp.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
nGrinder includes the following software and libraries. See the LICENSE folder for thes license and copyright details for each.